Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
Basic Image Processing


Most of the woolz core image processing library procedure have a corresponding programme to allow command-line processing of woolz images and image structures (e.g. polylines, boundaries, histograms etc). In general each binary will read one or more woolz objects from "standard input" and write the result to "standard output" (most will also read from a command line arguement if present). Control parameters for each function are typically entered as arguments. In many cases a sequence of image processing operations can be concatenated as a Unix "pipeline" which is efficient and convenient for rapid prototyping and scripting of common operations.

All woolz programmes will have an entry in this documentation but will also respond to the flag "-h". For example the programme WlzThreshold WlzThreshold will read in a grey-level woolz object and apply a high or low threshold, writing the resultant object to standard out. The usage parameters are then displayed using the "-h" option:

tcsh% WlzThreshold -h
Usage:  WlzThreshold [-t#] [-v#] [-H] [-L] [-h] [<input file>]
        Threshold a grey-level woolz object
        writing the new object to standard output
        Options are:
          -H        Threshold high, keep pixels above threshold value (default).
          -L        Threshold low, keep pixels below threshold value.
          -E        Threshold equal, keep pixels equal to threshold value.
          -t#       Threshold pixel type:
                    # = 1: integer (default)
                        2: short
                        3: unsigned byte
                        4: float
                        5: double
                    Note -t option must precede -v
          -v#       threshold value  - integer unless -t used
          -h        Help - prints this usage message

Example Usage