Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
C_AlcBlockStack | General purpose data structure for maintaining blocks of some data type. Useful for efficient memory allocation. It's not a stack but a doubly linked list of blocks of data which can be used as a stack, heap, list, .... Typedef: AlcBlockStack |
C_AlcCPQItem | An item in a calendar priority queue. Typedef: AlcCPQItem |
C_AlcCPQQueue | An \(O(1)\) priority queue based on the Calendar Priority Queue data structure. Typedef: AlcCPQQueue |
C_AlcDLPItem | A doubly linked list item. Typedef: AlcDLPItem |
C_AlcDLPList | A doubly linked list of pointers. Typedef: AlcDLPList |
C_AlcFreeStack | |
C_AlcHashItem | A hash table item. Typedef: AlcHashItem |
C_AlcHashTable | A hash table. Typedef: AlcHashTable |
C_AlcHeap | A general purpose heap data structure. Typedef: AlcHeap |
C_AlcHeapEntryCore | Core heap entry data structure. All other heap entry data structures must have the fields of this data structure first. Typedef: AlcHeapEntryCore |
C_AlcKDTNode | A node in a binary space partition tree (kD-tree). Typedef: AlcKDTNode |
C_AlcKDTTree | A binary space partition tree (kD-tree). Typedef: AlcKDTTree |
C_AlcLRUCache | A least recent use removal cache allowing rank and random access to it's entries. Rank access is via a doubly linked list (using rankPrv and rankNxt), while random access is via hash table (using the item's key and hashNxt). The cache will unlink items as required to maintain the set maximum number of entries and maximum total entry size. Typedef: AlcLRUCache |
C_AlcLRUCItem | A cache item for a AlcLRUCache. Typedef: AlcLRUCItem |
C_AlcPointP | Pointer to a generic coordinate. Typedef: AlcPointP |
C_AlcUFTree | A general purpose union tree based on Robert Sedgewick's Weighted Quick Union Find |
C_AlcVector | An extensible 1D array. Typedef: AlcVector |
C_AlgMatrix | A union of all valid matrix types. Typedef: AlgMatrix. |
C_AlgMatrixCore | A core matrix type with members common to all matrix types. Typedef: AlgMatrixCore |
C_AlgMatrixLLR | |
C_AlgMatrixLLRE | Entry in the linked list row matrix. Typedef: AlgMatrixLLRE |
C_AlgMatrixRect | Rectangular matrix. Typedef: AlgMatrixRect |
C_AlgMatrixSym | Symmetric matrix. Typedef: AlgMatrixRect |
C_AlgMatrixTriple | |
C_BibFileField | |
C_ComplexD | Complex number data type. Typedef: ComplexD |
C_patchTree | |
C_Wlz1DConvMask | Typedef: Wlz1DConvMask |
C_Wlz3DWarpTrans | A plane-wise 3D finite element warping transform. Typedef: Wlz3DWarpTrans |
C_WLZ_EMAP_WarpTransformStruct | |
C_WlzAffineTransform | Either a 2D or 3D affine transform. The homogeneous matrix (mat) is always allocated as a 4x4 AlcDouble2Alloc style array. It is used as a 3x3 matrix for 2D and as a 4x4 matrix for 3D affine transforms. Typedef: WlzAffineTransform |
C_WlzAffineTransformPrim | Affine tranform primitives. Typedef: WlzAffineTransformPrim |
C_WlzAllocChunk | |
C_WlzBasisFn | A basis function. Typedef: WlzBasisFn |
C_WlzBasisFnMapData3D | Used to memorise the nodes of a mesh element between 3D distance function evaluation calls |
C_WlzBasisFnTransform | A basis function transform. The delta is used by the MQ and Gauss basis functions: For the MQ basis function delta = \(R^2\), and for the Gaussian basis function delta = \(1/s^2\). Typedef: WlzBasisFnTransform |
C_WlzBoundList | A complete list of a set of boundaries which is encoded in tree form |
C_WlzBox | Union of axis aligned boxes. Typedef: WlzBox |
C_WlzBoxP | Union of axis aligned box pointers. Typedef: WlzBoxP |
C_WlzBSpline | Spline based line curves in either 2 or 3D. Possible types are: WLZ_BSPLINE_C2D or WLZ_BSPLINE_C3D. Typedef: WlzBSpline |
C_WlzCMesh2D | A graph based mesh model for 2D boundary conforming simplical meshes. The mesh inherits it's core fields from the Woolz core domain. Typedef: WlzCMesh2D |
C_WlzCMesh2D5 | A graph based mesh model for 2D5 boundary conforming simplical meshes. The mesh inherits it's core fields from the Woolz core domain. Typedef: WlzCMesh2D5 |
C_WlzCMesh3D | A graph based mesh model for 3D boundary conforming simplical meshes. The mesh inherits it's core fields from the Woolz core domain. Typedef: WlzCMesh3D |
C_WlzCMeshCbEntry | Callback entry for list of callbacks. Typedef: WlzCMeshCbEntry |
C_WlzCMeshCell2D | A single cell of a spatial grid or array of 2D cells. Typedef: WlzCMeshCell2D |
C_WlzCMeshCell2D5 | A single cell of a spatial grid or array of 2D5 cells. Typedef: WlzCMeshCell2D5 |
C_WlzCMeshCell3D | A single cell of a spatial grid or array of 3D cells. Typedef: WlzCMeshCell3D |
C_WlzCMeshCellElm2D | Data structure which is used to link lists of 2D elements with the grid cells that they intersect. Typedef: WlzCMeshCell2D |
C_WlzCMeshCellElm2D5 | Data structure which is used to link lists of 2D5 elements with the grid cells that they intersect. Typedef: WlzCMeshCell2D5 |
C_WlzCMeshCellElm3D | Data structure which is used to link lists of 3D elements with the grid cells that they intersect. Typedef: WlzCMeshCell3D |
C_WlzCMeshCellGrid2D | A spatial grid or array of square 2D cells that are used for fast node and element location queries. Typedef: WlzCMeshCellGrid2D |
C_WlzCMeshCellGrid2D5 | A spatial grid or array of cubiod 3D cells that are used for fast 2D5 node and element location queries. Typedef: WlzCMeshCellGrid2D5 |
C_WlzCMeshCellGrid3D | A spatial grid or array of square 3D cells that are used for fast node and element location queries. Typedef: WlzCMeshCellGrid3D |
C_WlzCMeshEdgU2D | A 2D CCW directed (half) edge within the parent simplex. Typedef: WlzCMeshEdgU2D |
C_WlzCMeshEdgU2D5 | A 2D CCW directed (half) edge within the parent simplex. Typedef: WlzCMeshEdgU2D5 |
C_WlzCMeshEdgU3D | A 3D directed (half) edge within the parent face. Typedef: WlzCMeshEdgU3D |
C_WlzCMeshEdgUP | An edge use pointer for a 2 or 3D mesh. Typedef: WlzCMeshEdgUP |
C_WlzCMeshElm2D | A single 2D triangular mesh element. Typedef: WlzCMeshElm2D |
C_WlzCMeshElm2D5 | A single 3D triangular mesh element. Typedef: WlzCMeshElm2D5 |
C_WlzCMeshElm3D | A single 3D tetrahedral mesh element. Typedef: WlzCMeshElm3D |
C_WlzCMeshElmP | A element pointer for a 2 or 3D mesh. Typedef: WlzCMeshElmP |
C_WlzCMeshEntCore | A core node/element structure containing the initial fields common to all node and element structures. Typedef: WlzCMeshEntCore |
C_WlzCMeshEntP | Union of pointers to top level mesh entities. Typedef: WlzCMeshEntP |
C_WlzCMeshEntPP | Union of second level pointers to top level mesh entities. Typedef: WlzCMeshEntP |
C_WlzCMeshEntRes | Resources used for efficient allocation and recycling of mesh entities. Typedef: WlzCMeshEntRes |
C_WlzCMeshExpEnt | A FIFO queue active node/element entity for mesh value extrapolation workspace. Typedef: WlzCMeshExpEnt |
C_WlzCMeshExpWSp | A mesh value extrapolation workspace with a FIFO queue for active nodes (or elements) during mesh value extrapolation along with matrices and vectors for SVD. Typedef: WlzCMeshExpWSp |
C_WlzCMeshFace | A directed face within the parent simplex. Typedef: WlzCMeshFace |
C_WlzCMeshFMarElmQEnt | An entry of an element queue. Typedef: WlzCMeshFMarElmQEnt |
C_WlzCMeshFMarQEnt | An entry of a AlcHeap based queue. Typedef: WlzCMeshFMarQEnt |
C_WlzCMeshNod2D | A node of a 2D mesh. Typedef: WlzCMeshNod2D |
C_WlzCMeshNod2D5 | A node of a 2D5 mesh with a 3D position but 2D connectivity. Typedef: WlzCMeshNod2D5 |
C_WlzCMeshNod3D | A node of a 3D mesh. Typedef: WlzCMeshNod3D |
C_WlzCMeshNodP | A node pointer for a 2 or 3D mesh. Typedef: WlzCMeshNodP |
C_WlzCMeshP | Union of 2D and 3D conforming simplical mesh pointers |
C_WlzCMeshRes | Resources used for efficient allocation, recycling and location of mesh elements and nodes. Typedef: WlzCMeshRes |
C_WlzCMeshScanElm2D | Conforming mesh scanning element for 2D mesh |
C_WlzCMeshScanElm3D | Conforming mesh scanning element for 2D5 or 3D mesh |
C_WlzCMeshScanItv2D | Scan interval within a 2D conforming mesh element |
C_WlzCMeshScanItv3D | Scan interval within a 3D conforming mesh element |
C_WlzCMeshScanWSp2D | Conforming mesh scanning workspace for a 2D mesh |
C_WlzCMeshScanWSp3D | Conforming mesh scanning workspace for a 3D mesh |
C_WlzCompoundArray | A compound object implemented as either an array or a linked list of other objects. There is a distinction between an compound of the same type (e.g. resulting from a labelling) and a compound of different types (e.g. resulting from a range of image processes from a single original object). Typedef: WlzCompoundArray |
C_WlzContour | A collection of 2D polylines or 3D surface elements represented by a Woolz geometric model. Typedef: WlzContour |
C_WlzConvHullArc | A conflict arc connecting a face and a vertex these form circular doubly linked lists for the faces and vertices. Typedef: WlzConvHullArc |
C_WlzConvHullArcPool | A pool of conflict arcs. Typedef: WlzConvHullArcPool |
C_WlzConvHullDomain2 | A 2D convex hull with counter clockwise ordered vertices and segments implicitly defined by the polygon of the ordered vertices. Typedef: WlzConvHullDomain3 |
C_WlzConvHullDomain3 | A 3D convex hull with coordinate vertices and faces defined by vertex index triples. Typedef: WlzConvHullDomain3 |
C_WlzConvHullFce | A face of the convex hull for use in a convex hull workspace. Typedef: WlzConvHullFce |
C_WlzConvHullFcePool | A pool of faces. Typedef: WlzConvHullFcePool |
C_WlzConvHullHorEdg | A horizon edge as seen from an external vertex. Typedef: WlzConvHullHorEdg |
C_WlzConvHullVtx | A vertex of the convex hull for use in a convex hull workspace. Typedef: WlzConvHullVtx |
C_WlzConvHullVtxPool | A pool of vertices. Typedef: WlzConvHullVtxPool |
C_WlzConvHullWSp3 | A workspace for computing the 3D convex hull of vertices with integral coordinates. Typedef: WlzConvHullWSp3 |
C_WlzConvolution | A 2D space domain convolution mask. To reduce computational cost at the expense of data storage the complete convolution is used even if highly symmetrical. Typedef: WlzConvolution |
C_WlzCoreDomain | The core domain: All Woolz domains have all the fields of the core domain in the same order and before any others, so allowing a domain to be assigned, freed and have it's type established. Typedef: WlzCoreDomain |
C_WlzCoreObject | The core Woolz object type which can be used to determine the type of a Woolz object. Typedef: WlzCoreObject |
C_WlzCoreProperty | Core property with sufficient to data to provide the type and enough to allow the property to be freed. Typedef: WlzCoreProperty |
C_WlzCoreTransform | The core transform, with members common to all transforms. Typedef: WlzCoreTransform |
C_WlzCoreValues | All Woolz value tables must have all the fields of the core values, in the same order and before any others, so allowing a values to be assigned, freed and have it's type established. Typedef: WlzCoreValues |
C_WlzDBox2 | 2D double precision floating point axis aligned rectangle (box). Typedef: WlzDBox2 |
C_WlzDBox3 | 3D double precision floating point axis aligned cubiod (box). Typedef: WlzDBox3 |
C_WlzDomain | The union of Woolz domains. Typedef: WlzDomain |
C_WlzDrawDomWSp | Workspace in which drawing commands are parsed |
C_WlzDVertex2 | 2D double precision float point vertex. Typedef: WlzDVertex2 |
C_WlzDVertex3 | 3D double precision float point vertex. Typedef: WlzDVertex3 |
C_WlzDynItvPool | Dynamic interval pool, for building interval domains. Typedef: WlzDynItvPool |
C_WlzEffAmHead | Head of a list of Amira materials. Typedef: WlzEffAmHead |
C_WlzEffAmMaterial | Item in an Amira material list. Typedef: WlzEffAmMaterial |
C_WlzEffAnlComplex | Analyze 7.5 complex number representation. Typedef: WlzEffAnlComplex |
C_WlzEffAnlDataHistory | Analyze 7.5 file header structure for the image history. Typedef: WlzEffAnlDataHistory |
C_WlzEffAnlDsr | Analyze 7.5 file header. Typedef: WlzEffAnlDsr |
C_WlzEffAnlHeaderKey | Analyze 7.5 file header key. Typedef: WlzEffAnlFileKey |
C_WlzEffAnlImageDim | Analyze 7.5 file header structure for the image dimensions. Typedef: WlzEffAnlImageDim |
C_WlzEffBibWarpInputThresholdParamsStruct | Bibfile threshold parameters record. Typedef: WlzEffBibWarpInputThresholdParamsStruct |
C_WlzEffBmpFileHead | |
C_WlzEffBmpInfoHead | |
C_WlzEffBmpRGBQuad | |
C_WlzEffDenHeader | |
C_WlzEffGif89 | |
C_WlzEffGifLWZWSp | |
C_WlzEffGifScreen | |
C_WlzEffIcsHeader | |
C_WlzEffIPLHeader | |
C_WlzEffNrrdHeader | |
C_WlzEffPicHeader | |
C_WlzEffSlcHeader | |
C_WlzEffStackCtrHeader | |
C_WlzEffVffHeader | |
C_WlzEffVtkHeader | |
C_WlzEMAPProperty | A property to hold EMAP information to attach to the reference models, anatomy and GE domains. MAPaint and atlas tools will propogate the information as required. Typedef: WlzEMAPProperty |
C_WlzEmptyTransform | An empty transform, with members common to all transforms. An empty transform is a compact represetation of a zero transform avoiding the use of NULL which implies an error. Typedef: WlzCoreTransform |
C_WlzExtIntv | |
C_WlzFBox2 | 2D single precision floating point axis aligned rectangle (box). Typedef: WlzFBox2 |
C_WlzFBox3 | 3D single precision floating point axis aligned cubiod (box). Typedef: WlzFBox3 |
C_WlzFeatureVector | Finite element warping feature vector. Typedef: WlzFeatureVector |
C_WlzFeatValue | |
C_WlzFeatValueLine | A line of finite element warping feature vectors. Typedef: WlzFeatValueLine |
C_WlzFeatValues | A ragged rectangular feature value table. Typedef: WlzFeatValues |
C_WlzFMatchObj | A finite element warping feature match, interesting points object. Typedef: WlzFMatchObj |
C_WlzFMatchPoint | Finite element warping feature match point. Typedef: WlzFMatchPoint |
C_WlzFRect | A single precision floating point rectangle domain. Side from (l[0],k[0]) to (l[1],k[1]) is a long side. The vertices are cyclic. Typedef: WlzFRect |
C_WlzFVertex2 | 2D single precision float point vertex. Typedef: WlzFVertex2 |
C_WlzFVertex3 | 3D single precision float point vertex. Typedef: WlzFVertex3 |
C_WlzGeomPolyListItem2D | Item for polygon vertex list. See WlzGeomPolyTriangulate2D() |
C_WlzGMCbEntry | |
C_WlzGMCore | The core geometric model element from which all geometric modeling elements inherit the type and index fields. Typedef: WlzGMCore |
C_WlzGMDiskT | A topological disk around a vertex. In 2D or 3D manifold there is one disk per vertex. But in a 3D non-manifold shell many sheets (manifold surfaces components) may be connected at a single vertex, in which case there is one disk per sheet. The disk encodes the radial order of the vertex topology elements around the vertex. Typedef: WlzGMDiskT |
C_WlzGMEdge | A line or curve between a pair of vertices. Although this only has a topological component a geometric component would allow curves to be represented. Typedef: WlzGMEdge |
C_WlzGMEdgeT | The topological properties of a directed edge. Typedef: WlzGMEdgeT |
C_WlzGMElemP | A union of pointers to all the valid geometric model elements. Typedef: WlzGMElemP |
C_WlzGMFace | A circuit of edges. Typedef: WlzGMFace |
C_WlzGMGridWSp3D | An axis aligned grid of cuboid cells. This has an array (the grid) of linked lists of cells, with the entries in each list holding the faces of the 3D model which intersect the cuboid of the cell. Typedef: WlzGMGridWSp3D |
C_WlzGMGridWSpCell3D | A single cell entry in an axis aligned grid for a 3D model. Typedef: WlzGMGridWSpCell3D |
C_WlzGMLoopT | A directed loop or the topological properties of a loop. Typedef: WlzGMLoopT |
C_WlzGMModel | A geometric model which can represent both 2D graphs and 3D surfaces, with the surfaces being either manifold or non-manifold. The geometric model inherits it's core fields from the Woolz core domain. Typedef: WlzGMModel |
C_WlzGMModelR | The resources used by a model. Typedef: WlzGMModelR |
C_WlzGMResIdx | A resource index look up table (WlzGMResIdxTb). The array of indicies is a look up table from the indicies of a GM to contigous indicies suitable for copying or outputing a resource vector without holes. Typedef: WlzGMResIdx |
C_WlzGMResIdxTb | Resource look up tables for all geometric elements in a model. Typedef: WlzGMResIdxTb |
C_WlzGMResource | A resource vector (extensible array) used for allocating geometric modeling elements. Typedef: WlzGMResource |
C_WlzGMShell | A shell which is a collection of connected geometric modeling elements. Typedef: WlzGMShell |
C_WlzGMShellG2D | The geometric properties of a shell in 2D double precision space. Typedef: WlzGMShellG2D |
C_WlzGMShellG2I | The geometric properties of a shell in 2D integer space. Typedef: WlzGMShellG2I |
C_WlzGMShellG3D | The geometric properties of a shell in 3D double precision. space. Typedef: WlzGMShellG3D |
C_WlzGMShellG3I | The geometric properties of a shell in 3D integer space. Typedef: WlzGMShellG3I |
C_WlzGMShellGU | A union of pointers to the geometric properties of a shell. Typedef: WlzGMShellGU |
C_WlzGMVertex | A single point in space defined in terms of both it's geometry and it's topology. Typedef: WlzGMVertex |
C_WlzGMVertexG2D | The position of a point in 2D double precision space. Typedef: WlzGMVertexG2D |
C_WlzGMVertexG2I | The position of a point in 2D integer space. Typedef: WlzGMVertexG2I |
C_WlzGMVertexG2N | The position of a point in 2D double precision space and the normal vector at that point. Note that the data structure is the same as WlzGMVertexG2D until the normal, this is important as it allows the type, index and position to be established without knowing whether the vertex geometry is WlzGMVertexG2D or WlzGMVertexG2N. Typedef: WlzGMVertexG2N |
C_WlzGMVertexG3D | The position of a point in 3D double precision space. Typedef: WlzGMVertexG3D |
C_WlzGMVertexG3I | The position of a point in 3D integer space. Typedef: WlzGMVertexG3I |
C_WlzGMVertexG3N | The position of a point in 3D double precision space and the normal vector at that point. Note that the data structure is the same as WlzGMVertexG3D until the normal, this is important as it allows the type, index and position to be established without knowing whether the vertex geometry is WlzGMVertexG3D or WlzGMVertexG3N. Typedef: WlzGMVertexG3N |
C_WlzGMVertexGU | A union of pointers to the geometric properties of a point. Typedef: WlzGMVertexGU |
C_WlzGMVertexT | The topological properties of a point in space. The ordering of the linked list of vertex topology elements formed by the 'next' and 'prev' pointers is not significant. Typedef: WlzGMVertexT |
C_WlzGreyP | A union of pointers to grey values. Typedef: WlzGreyP |
C_WlzGreyProperty | A single grey value, which for example might represent the preferred display colour of a binary domain. Typedef: WlzGreyProperty |
C_WlzGreyTransformParam | Grey-level transform parameters. Typedef: WlzGreyTransformParam |
C_WlzGreyV | A union of grey values. Typedef: WlzGreyV |
C_WlzGreyValueWSpace | Workspace for random access grey value manipulations. Typedef: WlzGreyValueWSpace |
C_WlzGreyVarianceWSp | Used to pass size and scale through WlzSeqPar() to WlzGreyVarianceSeqParFn() |
C_WlzGreyWSpace | The standard workspace for grey value table manipulations. Typedef: WlzGreyWSpace |
C_WlzHistogramDomain | Histograms are Woolz domains and not values as might be expected. Typedef: WlzHistogramDomain |
C_WlzIBox2 | 2D integer axis aligned rectangle (box). Typedef: WlzIBox2 |
C_WlzIBox3 | 3D integer axis aligned cubiod (box). Typedef: WlzIBox3 |
C_WlzIndexedValues | In indexed value table. Typedef: WlzIndexedValues |
C_WlzInterval | A single interval. Typedef: WlzInterval |
C_WlzIntervalDomain | A 2D domain defining an arbitrary region of space in 2D. The domain may be of type WLZ_INTERVALDOMAIN_INTVL or WLZ_INTERVALDOMAIN_RECT. If the domain is of type WLZ_INTERVALDOMAIN_RECT then the intvlines field is not used. For WLZ_INTERVALDOMAIN_INTVL domains the intervals in a line must be contiguous. Typedef: WlzIntervalDomain |
C_WlzIntervalLine | A line of intervals. Typedef: WlzIntervalLine |
C_WlzIntervalValues | An interval structured value table. The type encodes both the type of value table and the type of grey value. Typedef: WlzIntervalValues |
C_WlzIntervalWSpace | The standard workspace structure for interval objects. Typedef: WlzIntervalWSpace |
C_WlzIterateWSpace | A workspace structure for interval objects which allows iteration through an object's pixels/voxels. Typedef: WlzIterateWSpace |
C_WlzIVertex2 | 2D integer vertex. Typedef: WlzIVertex2 |
C_WlzIVertex3 | 3D integer vertex. Typedef: WlzIVertex3 |
C_WlzKrigModelFn | Parameters and function pointer for a kriging model function |
C_WlzLBTDomain2D | A 2D linear binary tree spatial domain representation. Typedef: WlzLBTDomain2D |
C_WlzLBTDomain3D | A 3D linear binary tree spatial domain representation. Typedef: WlzLBTDomain3D |
C_WlzLBTNode2D | A 2D linear binary tree node for spatial domain representation. Typedef: WlzLBTNode2D |
C_WlzLBTNode3D | A 3D linear binary tree node for spatial domain representation. Typedef: WlzLBTNode3D |
C_WlzLLink | |
C_WlzLSDom | |
C_WlzLSDomEnt | A queue entry holding a domain object (which still has a line skeleton segment to be determined) along with source and destination line skeleton segment end points. For use with AlcHeap(). Typedef: WlzLSDomEnt |
C_WlzLSNod | A node entry in a node queue data structure used when computing a line skeleton segment. Typedef: WlzLSNod |
C_WlzLSNodQueue | A queue of line segment nodes together with a table for accessing them by coordinate value. The slots of the hash table are allocated at creation of the queue and the queue/table entries are allocated in blocks |
C_WlzLUTDomain | A look up table domain. Typedef: WlzLUTDomain |
C_WlzLUTValues | Look up table values. Typedef: WlzLUTValues |
C_WlzLVertex2 | 2D long integer vertex. Typedef: WlzIVertex2 |
C_WlzLVertex3 | 3D long integer vertex. Typedef: WlzLVertex3 |
C_WlzMatchICPCbData | Data structure for GM model element creation and destruction callbacks. Typedef: WlzMatchICPCbData |
C_WlzMatchICPShell | A single matched shell. Typedef: WlzMatchICPShell |
C_WlzMatchICPShellList | List element of matched shells. Typedef: WlzMatchICPShellList |
C_WlzMatchICPShellListElm | List element for list of matched shells. Typedef: WlzMatchICPShellListElm |
C_WlzMatchICPTPPair2D | A single 2D tiepoint pair |
C_WlzMatchICPWeightCbData | |
C_WlzMeshEar | |
C_WlzMeshEarList | |
C_WlzMeshElem | Defines an triangular mesh element within a mesh transform. The nodes and neighbours are indexed such that: Neighbour 0 shares nodes 1 and 2, neighbour 1 shares nodes 2 and 0 and neighbour 2 shares nodes 0 and 1. All the nodes are stored in counter clockwise (CCW) order. Typedef: WlzMeshElem |
C_WlzMeshElem3D | Defines an tetrahedral mesh element within a mesh transform. The nodes and neighbours are indexed such that: Neighbour 0 shares surface ( nodes 0, 1 and 2), neighbour 1 shares surface (nodes 1, 3 and 2), neighbour 2 shares surface (nodes 2, 3 and 0 ) and neighbour 3 shares surface (nodes 0, 3 and 1 ) All the nodes stored in the following sequence: 0-1-2 formed a counter clockwise (CCW) order using the dircection of a surface outwards from the tetrahedron. 0-2-3 are also stored in counter clockwise (CCW) order. added by J. Rao 10/09/2001 |
C_WlzMeshIntVec | |
C_WlzMeshNode | Defines a node within a mesh transform. Typedef: WlzMeshNode |
C_WlzMeshNode2D5 | Defines a 2D5 node within a mesh transform. added by J. Rao 23/10/2001 |
C_WlzMeshNode3D | Defines a 3D node within a mesh transform. added by J. Rao 10/09/2001 |
C_WlzMeshPolyVx | Linked list based polygon data structure |
C_WlzMeshScanDElm | Mesh scanning element |
C_WlzMeshScanItv | Scan interval within an element |
C_WlzMeshScanWSp | Mesh scanning workspace |
C_WlzMeshTransform | A mesh convex transform. Typedef: WlzMeshElem |
C_WlzMeshTransform2D5 | Defines a mesh transform. added by J. Rao 23/10/2001 |
C_WlzMeshTransform3D | Defines a mesh transform. added by J. Rao 10/09/2001 |
C_WlzNameProperty | A simple null terminated ASCII string for the object's name. Typedef: WlzNameProperty |
C_WlzObject | The Woolz object. Typedef: WlzObject |
C_WlzPartialItv2D | Data structure that can be used to hold partial intervals. These can then be sorted and condensed to find the intervals for an interval domain |
C_WlzPartialItv3D | Data structure that can be used to hold partial intervals. These can then be sorted and condensed to find the intervals for a plane domain |
C_WlzPixelP | A typed grey value pointer. Typedef: WlzPixelP |
C_WlzPixelV | A typed grey value. Typedef: WlzPixelV |
C_WlzPlaneDomain | A 3D domain defining an arbitrary region of space in 3D. The 3D plane domain composed of plane-wise array of 2D domains. Typedef: WlzPlaneDomain |
C_WlzPoints | An array of either 2D or 3D points which may have either integral of floating point values. Possible types are: WLZ_POINTS_2I, WLZ_POINTS_2D, WLZ_POINTS_3I and WLZ_POINTS_3D. Typedef: WlzPoints |
C_WlzPointValues | Point values - values with arbitrary rank and dimension defined at points. Typedef: WlzPointValues |
C_WlzPolygonDomain | A 2D polyline domain with possible types: WLZ_POLYGON_INT, WLZ_POLYGON_FLOAT or WLZ_POLYGON_DOUBLE. Typedef: WlzPolygonDomain |
C_WlzPolygonDomain3 | A 2D polyline domain with possible types:WLZ_POLYGON_INT, WLZ_POLYGON_FLOAT or WLZ_POLYGON_DOUBLE. Typedef: WlzPolygonDomain |
C_WlzProfileWalkWSp | |
C_WlzProperty | A union of pointers for properties. Typedef: WlzProperty |
C_WlzPropertyList | A property list which has a type, link count and a linked list of properties |
C_WlzRagRValues | The ragged rectangle values table. The type encodes both the type of value table and the type of grey value. Typedef: WlzRagRValues |
C_WlzRect | An integer rectangle domain. Side from (l[0],k[0]) to (l[1],k[1]) is a long side. The vertices are cyclic. Typedef: WlzIRect |
C_WlzRectFeatValues | A rectangular feature value table. Typedef: WlzRectFeatValues |
C_WlzRectValues | The rectangle values table. The type encodes both the type of value table and the type of grey value. Typedef: WlzRectValues |
C_WlzRegICPWSp | A workspace data structure for use in the ICP functions |
C_WlzRElement | Rectangular finite element warping mesh element. Typedef: WlzRElement |
C_WlzRsvFilter | The parameters \(a_j\), \(b_j\) and \(c\) with \(j\in[0\cdots2]\) which define a recursive filter: \[ y^{+}[i] = a_0 x[i + 0] + a_1 x[i - 1] - b_0 y^{+}[i - 1] - b_1 y^{+}[i - 2] \] \[ y^{-}[i] = a_2 x[i + 1] + a_3 x[i + 2] - b_0 y^{-}[i + 1] - b_1 y^{-}[i + 2] \] \[ y[i] = c (y^{+}[i] + y^{-}[i]) \] Typedef: WlzRsvFilter |
C_WlzSepTransWSpace | Typedef: WlzSepTransWSpace |
C_WlzSeqParWSpace | Typedef: WlzSeqParWSpace |
C_WlzSimpleProperty | A simple property to hold arbitrary length string data. Read and writing then coercing to a structure with numerical values will not be portable. Typedef: WlzSimpleProperty |
C_WlzSkIntvLn | |
C_WlzSMNod3 | |
C_WlzSplitObjData | |
C_WlzTElement | Triangular finite element warping mesh element. Typedef: WlzTElement |
C_WlzTextProperty | A pair of simple null terminated ASCII strings one for the property name and one for it's value. Typedef: WlzTextProperty |
C_WlzThinToPointsHeapEntry | |
C_WlzThreeDViewStruct | Defines a planar section through a 3D volume. Typedef: WlzThreeDViewStruct |
C_WlzThreshCbStr | Callback structure from WlzCbThreshold() Typedef: WlzThreshCbStr |
C_WlzTiledValueBuffer | Position of and data for locating and buffering any interval of values in either 2 or 3D tiled value table |
C_WlzTiledValues | A tiled value table for both 2 an 3D domain objects. Typedef: WlzTiledValues |
C_WlzTransform | A union of all valid transforms. Typedef: WlzTransform |
C_WlzValueAttach | Specifies what values (for example thoose in an indexed value table) are attached to. Enum: WlzValueAttach |
C_WlzValueIntervalLine | One line's worth of grey value intervals. Typedef: WlzValueIntervalLine |
C_WlzValueLine | Grey values along a line. Typedef: WlzValueLine |
C_WlzValues | The union of Woolz values. Typedef: WlzValues |
C_WlzVectorThresholdStruct | |
C_WlzVertex | Union of vertex values. Typedef: WlzVertex |
C_WlzVertexP | Union of vertex pointers. Typedef: WlzVertexP |
C_WlzVoxelValues | Voxel value table. Typedef: WlzVoxelValues |
C_WlzWarpTrans | Finite element warp transformation. Typedef: WlzWarpTrans |
CBibFileRecord | |
Cmy_error_mgr | |
CWlzBoundInterval | |
CWlzBoundPoint | |
CWlzLAllocBuf | |
CWlzObjFactsData |