Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3

This library contains numerical algorithms which depend on no other non system library apart from the allocation and fundamental types library libAlc. See libAlg for more detail. More...


file  Alg.h
 Main (top-level) header file for the Woolz numerical algorithms library.
file  AlgBits.dox
 Alg bit manipulation algorithms.
file  AlgComplex.dox
 Alg complex numbers.
file  AlgConvolve.dox
 Alg convolution algorithms.
file  AlgCorr.dox
 Alg correlation algorithms.
file  AlgDebug.dox
 Alg debugging.
file  AlgFit.dox
 Alg function fitting algorithms.
file  AlgFourier.dox
 Alg Fourier space algorithms.
file  AlgGamma.dox
 Alg gamma function algorithms.
file  AlgMatrix.dox
 Alg matrix manipulation algorithms.
file  AlgMixture.dox
 Alg mixture algorithms.
file  AlgPoly.dox
 Alg polynomial algorithms.
file  AlgRand.dox
 Alg random number algorithms.
file  AlgRange.dox
 Alg range search algorithms.
file  AlgRank.dox
 Alg ranking algorithms.
file  AlgSort.dox
 Alg bit manipulation algorithms.
file  AlgType.h
 Type definitions for the Woolz numerical algorithm library.
file  AlgVector.dox
 Alg column vector manipulation algorithms.

Detailed Description

This library contains numerical algorithms which depend on no other non system library apart from the allocation and fundamental types library libAlc. See libAlg for more detail.