Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzExtFFAffineTrFitBox [-h] [-T] [-o<output file>] [-s<source format>] [-t<target format>] [-u<output format>] <source object> <target object>
-h | Prints usage information. |
-s | Source file format. |
-t | Target file format. |
-u | Output file format. |
-o | Output file. |
-T | Transform the source object and write it to the output file rather than the affine transform. |
WlzExtFFAffineTrFitBox -o out.wlz small.vtk big.stlReads the source object from the file small.vtk and the target object from big.stl then computes the affine transform which scales the source objects bounding box to fit that of the target object. The output transform is written to the file out.wlz.