Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
WlzMatchICPPlane - matches objects and computes tie points using the warp parameters bibfile.
WlzMatchICPPlane [-h] [-d] [-v] [-V]
                 [-o<output file base>] [-r <reference file>] [-Y]
                 [-t#] [-x#] [-y#] [-a#] [-s#] [-e]
                 [-g#,#] [-k#,#] [-u#,#] [-b #] [-B #]
                 [-f] [-i#] [-s#] [-A#] [-S#] [-F#] [-m#] [-n#]
                 [-c<contour file base>] [-N] [-L]
                 [<section parameters file>]
-h Prints usage information.
-d Perform extra tests to aid debuging.
-E Tolerance in mean registration metric value.
-v Be verbose, lots of text output to the standard error output!
V Be verbose with Woolz objects and data, with file name names prefixed by dbg-.
o Output file base.
r Reference file.
Y The section parameters file is a list of section parameters files, one per line.
e Use centres of mass of geometric models to compute translation, with this translaton being applied after the optional initial affine transform.
t Initial affine transform (if given all initial affine transform primitives are ignored).
x Initial horizontal translation.
y Initial vertical translation.
a Initial angle of rotation (degrees).
s Initial scale factor.
g Maximal gradient contour thresholds, with the format:
      <ref threshold>,<src threshold>
either may be omitted.
k Median filter size, with the format:
  <ref size>,<src size>
either may be omitted.
u Gaussian smoothing factors, with the format:
  <ref smooth>,<src smooth>
either may be omitted.
b Low threshold values used to produce binary mask images for matching instead of the grey valued images, with objects having values at or below the given thresholds.
B High threshold values used to produce binary mask images for matching instead of the grey valued images, with objects having values above the given thresholds.
f Keep the reference offset in the reference tie-points (MAPaint doesn't do this).
i Maximum number of iterations.
p Minimum number of simplices per shell.
P Minimum number of simplices per matched shell segment, with a pair of correspondence points possibly being generated per matched shell segment.
A Maximum angle (degrees) from a global transformation.
S Maximum displacement from a global transformed position.
F Maximum deformation from a global transformation.
m Implausibility threshold for rejecting implausible correspondence points which should be greater than zero, although the useful range is probably [0.5-5.0]. Higher values allow more implausible matches to be returned.
n Number of match points in neighbourhood when checking the plausibility of the correspondence points.
c Outputs the computed and decomposed geometric models using the given file base.
N Don't compute the tie-points.
L Use linear interpolation (instead of nearest neighbour) when cuting sections.
WlzMatchICPPlane reads either a 2D or 3D reference object and an MAPaint section parameters file. Computes tie-points and then writes a new MAPaint section parameters file which includes the tie-points.

An initial affine transform is computed from the (optional) initial translation, rotation and scale parameters. A centre of mass can be computed to improve the initial translation estimates. If a centre of mass computation is used then the images must have background with high values and foreground with low values. This initial affine transform is appiled to the source image before computing the tie-points. Once computed, the tie-points are transformed using the inverse of the intial transform, before output.

The tie-points are computed using an ICP based matching algorithm in which geometric models built from the maximal gradient edges extracted from the computed section of the reference object and the source object (refered to in the section parameters file).

To aid rejection of poor tie-points, the tie-points are ranked by plausibility, with the most plausible first.

See Also
WlzIntro(1) WlzMatchICPCtr(3)