Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzRadialDistribution [-h] [-v] [-A] [-D] [-G] [-H] [-E] [-L] [-R] [-c #,#] [-d <debug image>] [-n #] [-o <out file>] [-t #] [<input image>]
-h | Prints usage information. |
-v | Be verbose output. |
-A | Sort output by area (default). |
-D | Sort output by distance from boundary. |
-G | Sort output by angle. |
-R | Sort output by radial distance from centre. |
-H | Threshold high, use pixels at or above threshold (default). |
-E | Threshold equal, use pixels at threshold. |
-L | Threshold low, use pixels below threshold. |
-c | Centre (default is image centre). |
-d | Debug image. |
-n | Minimum area (default g). |
-t | Threshold value (default is to compute using Otsu's method). |
<angle> <dist from centre> <area> <x pos>,<y pos> <dist form boundary>
WlzRadialDistribution -o out.txt -d debug.jpg in.tifThe input image is read from in.tif, a debug image showing the segmented regions is written to debug.jpg and the radial distribution statistics are written to the file out.txt. With the output in out.txt, the following R code would plot the data as a set of circles with radius proportional to the square root of the component area:
data <- read.table("out.txt") attach(data) symbols(x=data$V1, y=data$V2, circles=sqrt(data$V3))