Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
WlzShellFilter3D [-g] [-h] [-L] [-R] [-v] [-a<pit><yaw>[,<roll>]]
                 [-d<min[,max>]] [-e<shell cmd>] [-f<x,y,z>]
                 [-F<fmt>] [-o<output object>] [-m<mode>]
                 [-p<env par>[,<env par>...]] [-s<scale>]
                 [-t<tmp file>,<rmp file>] [-u<x,y,z>] [<input object>]
-g Shift planes to the origin before writing to the filter and then restore the offset, default false.
-h Help, prints usage message.
-L Use linear interpolation instead of nearest neighbour when cutting planes, default false.
-R Angles are in radians not degrees, default false.
-v Verbose output messages.
-a The cutting angles pitch, yaw and optionally roll. If roll is defined then the mode is absolute. Default 0, 0, 0.
-d Distance range, default object min, object max.
-e Shell filter command to be executed. If not supplied then the filter is simply an identity operation.
-o Output object file, default standard output.
-F File format for shell filter command input/output, default wlz. The list of file format strings recognized can be seen by using -F help.
-f Fixed point, default 0, 0, 0.
-m Viewing mode, possible values:
Parameter value Viewing mode
0 up-is-up, default
1 statue
2 absolute
Default 0.
-p Comma separated list of additional shell environment parameters each with the format variable_name=variable_value.
-r Voxel size rescaling flags:
bit 1 setuse voxel-size rescaling
bit 2 setuse global scaling
Default 1.
-s Scaling, default 1.
-t Temporary files to use for input and output to and from the shell command. These are required whenever a shell command is specified and must be regular files can not (for example) the standard input or standard output. The file format must be set appropriately for the temporary files and shell command. Default not set.
-u Up vector only used for up-is-up mode. Default 0, 0, -1.
Applies the given shell command to each plane of the given object where the planes are cut parallel to each other, are consecutive and are defined by the cutting angles, mode and distance(s). Ranges of planes may be specified by the fixed point and distance range. By default the input object is read from stdin and the output object is written to stdout.
WlzShellFilter3D -o out.wlz -a 90,0 -F tif -t t1.tif,t2.tif \
                 -e 'convert -negate t1.tif t2.tif' in.wlz
Inverts all grey values of the 3D domain object read from in.wlz and makes the corresponding y-z planes x-y planes in the 3D output file out.wlz. Each plane is written to t1.tif, the ImageMagick convert command is executed (to invert grey values) and then the file t2.tif is read to form an x-y plane in the 3D output object.
See Also
WlzIntro(1) WlzGetSubSectionFromObject(3) WlzEffReadObj(3) WlzEffWriteObj(3)