Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
Basic Woolz Operations

Command line programmes for woolz library procedures, select from the module list for individual manual pages. More...




file  Wlz3DWarpMQ.c
 Automatically produce a tetrahedron mesh from a woolz object.
file  WlzAffineTransformDiff.c
 Compares two given affine transforms.
file  WlzAffineTransformLSq.c
 Computes an affine transform from a list of vertices and vertex displacements.
file  WlzAffineTransformObj.c
 General affine transform toolkit.
file  WlzAffineTransformVertices.c
 Affine transforms vertices.
file  WlzArea.c
 Calculates the area of 2D domain objects.
file  WlzAutoCorrelate.c
 Computes the autocorrelation of the given object.
file  WlzBasisFnTransformObj.c
 Computes and applies Woolz basis function transforms.
file  WlzBasisFnTransformVertices.c
 Applies a basis function to vertices.
file  WlzBlobsToMarkers.c
 Creates a new domain object with a marker at the location of each separate part of the given domain object.
file  WlzBoundaryToObj.c
 Converts boundary lists to domain objects.
file  WlzBoundaryVertices.c
 Extracts boundary vertex positions from an object.
file  WlzBoundingBox.c
 Calculates the bounding box of an object.
file  WlzBSplineDistance.c
 Computes the parametric coordinate at a given distance from a reference parametric coordinate in a B-spline curve.
file  WlzBSplineLength.c
 Evaluates a B-spline to give a spatial domain or points object.
file  WlzBSplineToDomain.c
 Creates an interval or plane domain object corresponding to a B-spline domain.
file  WlzBuildContour.c
 Builds a contour from input simplices.
file  WlzCannyDeriche.c
 Implements a Canny/Deriche edge detection filter.
file  WlzCentralityObj.c
 Computes the centrality of a feature object's domain with respect to a reference object's domain.
file  WlzCentreOfMass.c
 Calculates the mass and centre of mass of domain objects.
file  WlzChangeEMAPProperty.c
 Changes the EMAP property of a woolz object.
file  WlzClassifyRCC.c
 Classifies an ordered pair of domain objects using a region connected calculus.
file  WlzClipObjToBox.c
 Clips the given object so that it lies within the given box.
file  WlzClosestVertices.c
 Finds the closest vertices in an object to those in a list.
file  WlzCMeshCurvToImage.c
 Creates a 2D domain object (image) in which the values are the curvature of the 2D5 CMesh. The given CMesh must have displacements that will flatten the mesh already computed.
file  WlzCMeshDeleteUnusedNodes.c
 Deletes unused nodes, ie those with no edge use from the given mesh.
file  WlzCMeshDispToField.c
 Creates a displacement field object from the given conforming mesh object. object.
file  WlzCMeshDistance.c
 Constructs a 2D or 3D domain object the values of which are the minimum distance from the seeds in a conforming mesh.
file  WlzCMeshExtrapolate.c
 Extrapolate values within a conforming mesh.
file  WlzCMeshFromContour.c
 Constructs a conforming simplical mesh from a contour with a geometric model.
file  WlzCMeshGen.c
 Constructs a 2D or 3D conforming simplical mesh from a domain object.
file  WlzCMeshIntersectDom.c
 Creates a 2D domain object (image) in which the values are the curvature of the 2D5 CMesh. The given CMesh must have displacements that will flatten the mesh already computed.
file  WlzCMeshSetDispFromField.c
 Creates a conforming mesh object with indexed values set using the given displacement field object.
file  WlzCMeshSurfaceMap.c
 Computes a conforming mesh transform which maps a surface in 3D to a plane.
file  WlzCMeshToContour.c
 Creates a contour from a conforming mesh.
file  WlzCMeshToSpatialDomain.c
 Constructs a 2D or 3D spatial domain without any values, but which corresponds to the given conforming mesh.
file  WlzCMeshTransformInvert.c
 Inverts a constrained mesh transform.
file  WlzCMeshTransformObj.c
 Transforms an object using a constrained mesh transform.
file  WlzCMeshTransformVtx.c
 Transforms vertices using a constrained mesh transform.
file  WlzCMeshTrExpansion.c
 Creates a conforming mesh with a a normalised expansion scalar attached to each element from the given conforming mesh transform.
file  WlzCMeshTrStrainTensor.c
 Creates a conforming mesh with a strain tensor attached to each element from the given conforming mesh transform.
file  WlzCMeshValueTransfer.c
 Transfers the values of one CMesh object to another within the intersection of their (mesh) domains.
file  WlzCompDispIncGrey.c
 Computes a displacement field as a compound array object from two given objects. The displacements are between pixels/voxels with the same grey value.
file  WlzCompound.c
 Generates a Woolz compound object from objects.
file  WlzCompoundArrayToScalar.c
 Reduces a compound array to a scalar valued object.
file  WlzCompThresh.c
 Computes a threshold value from a Woolz histogram object.
file  WlzConComThreholdObj.c
 Connected component thresholding.WlzConComThreholdObj.
file  WlzConstruct3D.c
 Constructs a 3D domain object from 2D domain objects.
file  WlzContourCut.c
 Creates a new contour from the two given contours in which no simplices of the given model contour which intersect the given knife contour are included.

file  WlzContourFlipOrient.c
 Flips orientation of edges and faces in contour models.
file  WlzContourFromPoints.c
 Computes a contour object from point sets.
file  WlzContourGeomFilter.c
 Filters a contour model.
file  WlzContourObj.c
 Computes edge and surface based contour models from domain objects.
file  WlzContourSpxStats.c
 Calculates simplex statistics for contour models.
file  WlzContourSzSelect.c
 Filter to remove small shells from contours.
file  WlzConvertPix.c
 Converts the pixel type of a grey-level woolz object.
file  WlzConvexHull.c
 Computes convex hulls.
file  WlzConvexPoly.c
 Computes the convex polygon (hull) enclosing a domain.
file  WlzCopyObj.c
 Reads an object and writes it out again. Useful for moving to a new file format.
file  WlzCopyToTiledObj.c
 Sets values in a tiled object using the values from another object.
file  WlzCreateSpecialSE.c
 Creates a "special" structuring element object.
file  WlzCrossCorValue.c
 Computes the cross correlation value of two objects.
file  WlzCutBSpline.c
 Cuts regions from a spatial domain using a B-spline define the region cut.
file  WlzCutObjToBox.c
 Cuts out a filled box from the given object.
file  WlzDefGrdTensorFeatures.c
 Functions to extract features from deformation gradient tensor fields.
file  WlzDiffDomain.c
 Computes the difference between two domains.
file  WlzDilation.c
 Dilates a domain.
file  WlzDistanceAllNearest.c
 Computes location of closest point in reference domain for all points in foreground domain.
file  WlzDistanceMetric.c
 Computes distance metrics between contour objects.
file  WlzDistanceTransform.c
 Computes distance transform objects.
file  WlzDitherPoints.c
 Creates a domain with a marker located at the position of each point vertex using a points object.
file  WlzDomain.c
 Extracts the domain of an object.
file  WlzDomainFill.c
 Fills the domain of a woolz object.
file  WlzErosion.c
 Morphological erosion of a woolz domain object.
file  WlzEvalBSpline.c
 Evaluates a B-spline to give a spatial domain or points object.
file  WlzExplode.c
 Explodes objects into component objects.
file  WlzFacts.c
 Gives information about Woolz objects.
file  WlzFile.c
 Identifies the type of object in a file.
file  WlzFilterNObjsValues.c
 Filters the values of multiple domain objects to construct a new domainn object in which each value is formed by filtering the values of all input objects at the same position as the values of the resulting object.
file  WlzFitBSpline.c
 Fits a B-spline to an object's domain.
file  WlzFitPlane.c
 Computes a best fit plane to given vertices.
file  WlzFourierTransform.c
 Computes the Fourier transform (or the inverse transform) of an object.
file  WlzGauss.c
 Applies a Gaussian filter to an objects grey values.
file  WlzGaussNoise.c
 Adds Gaussian noise to the grey values of an object.
file  WlzGeometryTrackUpAndDown.c
 Interpolates tie-point bibfiles.
file  WlzGetSubSectionFromObj.c
 Cuts a section from an object with the domain of a given object.
file  WlzGreyCrossing.c
 Detects grey value crossings.
file  WlzGreyGradient.c
 Computes a grey gradient object from the input object.
file  WlzGreyInvert.c
 Inverts the grey-range of a grey-level object.
file  WlzGreyMask.c
 Sets all object values within a mask domain to a mask value.
file  WlzGreyRange.c
 Outputs the grey-range of a grey-level object.
file  WlzGreySetIncValues.c
 Sets incrementing (and hence unique) values in scan order throughout a domain object.
file  WlzGreySetRange.c
 Sets the grey-range of a grey-level woolz object.
file  WlzGreySetValue.c
 Sets the grey values of the object to a specified value.
file  WlzGreyStats.c
 Calculates simple statistics for a domain object's grey values.
file  WlzGreyTemplate.c
 Applies a template to an object's values.
file  WlzGreyTransfer.c
 Copies grey values from a source object to a destination object within the intersection of the object's domains.
file  WlzGreyValue.c
 Gets a single grey value in an object.
file  WlzGreyVarianceObj.c
 Variance filters domain objects with values.
file  WlzHistogramData.c
 Reads a histogram object and writes it as ascii data.
file  WlzHistogramEqualiseObj.c
 Histogram equalises a Woolz domain object.
file  WlzHistogramFindPeaks.c
 Finds histogram peak positions.
file  WlzHistogramFitPeaks.c
 Fits a series of Gaussian distributions to a histogram.
file  WlzHistogramGauss.c
 Convolves the bin values of a histogram object with a Gaussian's 0th, 1st or nd derivative.
file  WlzHistogramMatchObj.c
 Histogram matches a domain object.
file  WlzHistogramObj.c
 Computes a histogram from a 2D or 3D domain object.
file  WlzHistogramRebin.c
 Re-bins a histogram.
file  WlzHistogramSmooth.c
 Low-pass filters a histogram object.
file  WlzImageArithmetic.c
 Binary image arithmetic on a pair of domain objects.
file  WlzIndexObjFromCompound.c
 Creates an grey value index object from the given compound array object.
file  WlzIndexObjToCompound.c
 Creates an grey value index object from the given compound array object.
file  WlzInsideDomain.c
 Determines whether a vertex is within an object's domain.
file  WlzInteriority.c
 Computes interiority scores for object domains.
file  WlzIntersect.c
 Computes the intersection of the input objects.
file  WlzIntRescaleObj.c
 Rescales an object using an integer scale factor.
file  WlzIsEmpty.c
 Determines whether objects are empty.
file  WlzLabel.c
 Labels (segments) the input objects.
file  WlzLaplacian.c
 Applies a Laplacian edge enhancement filter.
file  WlzLineSkeleton.c
 Computes the line skeleton of the given object's domain.
file  WlzLineSkeletonSegment.c
 Computes the line skeleton of the given object's domain.
file  WlzLUTGreyTransformFromTxt.c
 Creates a grey LUT transform from text input to form a grey LUT transform object.
file  WlzLUTGreyTransformMerge.c
 Merges integer look up table grey transforms to form a RGB \(\alpha\) grey transform.
file  WlzLUTGreyTransformObj.c
 Applies an look up table grey transform.
file  WlzMakeEmpty.c
 Makes an empty woolz object.
file  WlzMakeRect.c
 Makes a rectangular or cuboid domain.
file  WlzMarkerLatticeFromDomain.c
 Covers a spatial domain with a lattice of markers.
file  WlzMarkersToDomain.c
 Creates a domain with a marker located at the position of each vertex read from a file.
file  WlzMatchICPObj.c
 Object matching using ICP based registration to find corresponding points.
file  WlzMeshTransformObj.c
 Applies a mesh transform to an object.
file  WlzMinWidthRectAngle.c
 Computes the angle of the minimum width rectangle which encloses the given 2D object.
file  WlzNObjsGreyStats.c
 Computes basic grey value statistics across multiple objects.
file  WlzObjToBoundary.c
 Converts a domain object to a boundary to a boundary list.
file  WlzPerturbLandmarks.c
 Perturbs a set of landmark vertices using a random displacement, while constraining the landmarks to lie within a given domain.
file  WlzPointsToMarkers.c
 Creates a domain with a marker located at the position of each point vertex using a points object.
file  WlzPointsToText.c
 Writes out a Woolz points object as text.
file  WlzPolarSample.c
 Polar resampling of domain objects.
file  WlzPolygonToObj.c
 Converts a polygon object to a domain object.
file  WlzPrinicipalAngle.c
 Calculates the mass, centre of mass and principal angle of domain objects.
file  WlzProfileObj.c
 Extracts an arbitrary line of values from the given object.
file  WlzRandomAffineTransform.c
 Creates an affine transform with random transfrom primatives.
file  WlzRankObj.c
 Rank filters domain objects with values.
file  WlzRasterObj.c
 Rasterizes geometric objects into domain objects.
file  WlzRBFContourObj.c
 Uses radial basis function to approximate a contour from point clouds.
file  WlzRegisterCCor.c
 Registers a pair of 2D domain objects with grey values using frequency domain cross-correlation.
file  WlzRegisterICP.c
 Registers two objects using an iterative closest point algorithm.
file  WlzRegisterICPWSD.c
 Computes a 3D grey valued object in which the values are the weighted sums of distances as used for ICP registration.
file  WlzRGBAConvert.c
 Colour conversion for an RGBA colour object.
file  WlzRGBChannelRatio.c
 Computes log ratio of RGB channels in a RGBA object.
file  WlzRGBCombine.c
 Combines upto three domain objects with values to make a single RGBA domain object in which the input objects are used for the RGB components.
file  WlzRMSDiff.c
 Computes the RMS difference between the grey values of objects.
file  WlzRsvFilterObj.c
 Recursive filter for domain objects with grey values.
file  WlzSampleObj.c
 Efficient sub-sampling of domain objects.
file  WlzScalarBinaryOp.c
 Apply a scalar operation to a woolz object.

file  WlzScalarDivide.c
 Divides the pixel values of a grey-level object by a scalar value.
file  WlzScalarFeatures.c
 Extracts scalar features from Woolz domain objects.
file  WlzScalarFnObj.c
file  WlzScalarScale.c
 Creates an object with a tiled value table from an object with a valid spatial domain.
file  WlzSelect1InN.c
 Selects planes 1 in n from a 3D object.
file  WlzSepFilterObj.c
 Seperable spatial convolution kernel base filters for 2 and 3D objects.
file  WlzSetBackground.c
 Sets the background value of a domain object with grey values.
file  WlzSetVoxelSize.c
 Sets the voxel size of a 3D domain object.
file  WlzShadeCorrect.c
 Shade corrects a domain object with values.
file  WlzShiftObj.c
 Shifts objects using an integer translation.
file  WlzSkeleton.c
 Computes the skeleton of the a domain object.
file  WlzSnapFitObjs.c
 Finds a set of correspondences between two objects based on closest points.
file  WlzSobel.c
 A 3x3 Sobel edge detection filter.
file  WlzStripProperties.c
 Strips the property list from an object.
file  WlzStructDilation.c
 Dilates an object using a structuring element object.
file  WlzStructErosion.c
 Erodes a domain object using a structuring element object.
file  WlzThreshold.c
 Thresholds a grey-level object.
file  WlzTiledObjFromDomain.c
 Creates an object with a tiled value table from an object with a valid spatial domain.
file  WlzTransformProduct.c
 Computes the product of a pair of transforms.
file  WlzTransposeObj.c
 Transposes a 2D object.
file  WlzTransposePlanes.c
 Transposes the planes of 3D objects.
file  WlzUnion.c
 Computes the union of domain objects.
file  WlzValuesFromCoords.c
 Adds coordinate values to the domain of the input object.
file  WlzVerifyObj.c
 Checks objects and fixes them if possible.
file  WlzVolume.c
 Computes the volume of 3D objects.
file  WlzWindow.c
 Applies a window function to a Woolz 2D domain object.
file  WlzXORObj.c
 Morphological set exclusive or operation on a pair of Woolz objects..

Detailed Description

Command line programmes for woolz library procedures, select from the module list for individual manual pages.