Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
Files | |
file | Wlz3DWarpMQ.c |
Automatically produce a tetrahedron mesh from a woolz object. | |
file | WlzAffineTransformDiff.c |
Compares two given affine transforms. | |
file | WlzAffineTransformLSq.c |
Computes an affine transform from a list of vertices and vertex displacements. | |
file | WlzAffineTransformObj.c |
General affine transform toolkit. | |
file | WlzAffineTransformVertices.c |
Affine transforms vertices. | |
file | WlzArea.c |
Calculates the area of 2D domain objects. | |
file | WlzAutoCorrelate.c |
Computes the autocorrelation of the given object. | |
file | WlzAutoTrackUpDown.c |
file | WlzBasisFnTransformObj.c |
Computes and applies Woolz basis function transforms. | |
file | WlzBasisFnTransformVertices.c |
Applies a basis function to vertices. | |
file | WlzBlobsToMarkers.c |
Creates a new domain object with a marker at the location of each separate part of the given domain object. | |
file | WlzBoundaryToObj.c |
Converts boundary lists to domain objects. | |
file | WlzBoundaryVertices.c |
Extracts boundary vertex positions from an object. | |
file | WlzBoundingBox.c |
Calculates the bounding box of an object. | |
file | WlzBSplineDistance.c |
Computes the parametric coordinate at a given distance from a reference parametric coordinate in a B-spline curve. | |
file | WlzBSplineLength.c |
Evaluates a B-spline to give a spatial domain or points object. | |
file | WlzBSplineToDomain.c |
Creates an interval or plane domain object corresponding to a B-spline domain. | |
file | WlzBuildContour.c |
Builds a contour from input simplices. | |
file | WlzCannyDeriche.c |
Implements a Canny/Deriche edge detection filter. | |
file | WlzCentralityObj.c |
Computes the centrality of a feature object's domain with respect to a reference object's domain. | |
file | WlzCentreOfMass.c |
Calculates the mass and centre of mass of domain objects. | |
file | WlzChangeEMAPProperty.c |
Changes the EMAP property of a woolz object. | |
file | WlzClassifyRCC.c |
Classifies an ordered pair of domain objects using a region connected calculus. | |
file | WlzClipObjToBox.c |
Clips the given object so that it lies within the given box. | |
file | WlzClosestVertices.c |
Finds the closest vertices in an object to those in a list. | |
file | WlzCMeshCurvToImage.c |
Creates a 2D domain object (image) in which the values are the curvature of the 2D5 CMesh. The given CMesh must have displacements that will flatten the mesh already computed. | |
file | WlzCMeshDeleteUnusedNodes.c |
Deletes unused nodes, ie those with no edge use from the given mesh. | |
file | WlzCMeshDispToField.c |
Creates a displacement field object from the given conforming mesh object. object. | |
file | WlzCMeshDistance.c |
Constructs a 2D or 3D domain object the values of which are the minimum distance from the seeds in a conforming mesh. | |
file | WlzCMeshExtrapolate.c |
Extrapolate values within a conforming mesh. | |
file | WlzCMeshFromContour.c |
Constructs a conforming simplical mesh from a contour with a geometric model. | |
file | WlzCMeshGen.c |
Constructs a 2D or 3D conforming simplical mesh from a domain object. | |
file | WlzCMeshIntersectDom.c |
Creates a 2D domain object (image) in which the values are the curvature of the 2D5 CMesh. The given CMesh must have displacements that will flatten the mesh already computed. | |
file | WlzCMeshSetDispFromField.c |
Creates a conforming mesh object with indexed values set using the given displacement field object. | |
file | WlzCMeshSurfaceMap.c |
Computes a conforming mesh transform which maps a surface in 3D to a plane. | |
file | WlzCMeshToContour.c |
Creates a contour from a conforming mesh. | |
file | WlzCMeshToSpatialDomain.c |
Constructs a 2D or 3D spatial domain without any values, but which corresponds to the given conforming mesh. | |
file | WlzCMeshTransformInvert.c |
Inverts a constrained mesh transform. | |
file | WlzCMeshTransformObj.c |
Transforms an object using a constrained mesh transform. | |
file | WlzCMeshTransformVtx.c |
Transforms vertices using a constrained mesh transform. | |
file | WlzCMeshTrExpansion.c |
Creates a conforming mesh with a a normalised expansion scalar attached to each element from the given conforming mesh transform. | |
file | WlzCMeshTrStrainTensor.c |
Creates a conforming mesh with a strain tensor attached to each element from the given conforming mesh transform. | |
file | WlzCMeshValueTransfer.c |
Transfers the values of one CMesh object to another within the intersection of their (mesh) domains. | |
file | WlzCompDispIncGrey.c |
Computes a displacement field as a compound array object from two given objects. The displacements are between pixels/voxels with the same grey value. | |
file | WlzCompound.c |
Generates a Woolz compound object from objects. | |
file | WlzCompoundArrayToScalar.c |
Reduces a compound array to a scalar valued object. | |
file | WlzCompThresh.c |
Computes a threshold value from a Woolz histogram object. | |
file | WlzConComThreholdObj.c |
Connected component thresholding.WlzConComThreholdObj. | |
file | WlzConstruct3D.c |
Constructs a 3D domain object from 2D domain objects. | |
file | WlzContourCut.c |
Creates a new contour from the two given contours in which no simplices of the given model contour which intersect the given knife contour are included. | |
file | WlzContourFlipOrient.c |
Flips orientation of edges and faces in contour models. | |
file | WlzContourFromPoints.c |
Computes a contour object from point sets. | |
file | WlzContourGeomFilter.c |
Filters a contour model. | |
file | WlzContourObj.c |
Computes edge and surface based contour models from domain objects. | |
file | WlzContourSpxStats.c |
Calculates simplex statistics for contour models. | |
file | WlzContourSzSelect.c |
Filter to remove small shells from contours. | |
file | WlzConvertPix.c |
Converts the pixel type of a grey-level woolz object. | |
file | WlzConvexHull.c |
Computes convex hulls. | |
file | WlzConvexPoly.c |
Computes the convex polygon (hull) enclosing a domain. | |
file | WlzCopyObj.c |
Reads an object and writes it out again. Useful for moving to a new file format. | |
file | WlzCopyToTiledObj.c |
Sets values in a tiled object using the values from another object. | |
file | WlzCreateSpecialSE.c |
Creates a "special" structuring element object. | |
file | WlzCrossCorValue.c |
Computes the cross correlation value of two objects. | |
file | WlzCutBSpline.c |
Cuts regions from a spatial domain using a B-spline define the region cut. | |
file | WlzCutObjToBox.c |
Cuts out a filled box from the given object. | |
file | WlzDefGrdTensorFeatures.c |
Functions to extract features from deformation gradient tensor fields. | |
file | WlzDiffDomain.c |
Computes the difference between two domains. | |
file | WlzDilation.c |
Dilates a domain. | |
file | WlzDistanceAllNearest.c |
Computes location of closest point in reference domain for all points in foreground domain. | |
file | WlzDistanceMetric.c |
Computes distance metrics between contour objects. | |
file | WlzDistanceTransform.c |
Computes distance transform objects. | |
file | WlzDitherPoints.c |
Creates a domain with a marker located at the position of each point vertex using a points object. | |
file | WlzDomain.c |
Extracts the domain of an object. | |
file | WlzDomainFill.c |
Fills the domain of a woolz object. | |
file | WlzErosion.c |
Morphological erosion of a woolz domain object. | |
file | WlzEvalBSpline.c |
Evaluates a B-spline to give a spatial domain or points object. | |
file | WlzExplode.c |
Explodes objects into component objects. | |
file | WlzFacts.c |
Gives information about Woolz objects. | |
file | WlzFile.c |
Identifies the type of object in a file. | |
file | WlzFilterNObjsValues.c |
Filters the values of multiple domain objects to construct a new domainn object in which each value is formed by filtering the values of all input objects at the same position as the values of the resulting object. | |
file | WlzFitBSpline.c |
Fits a B-spline to an object's domain. | |
file | WlzFitPlane.c |
Computes a best fit plane to given vertices. | |
file | WlzFourierTransform.c |
Computes the Fourier transform (or the inverse transform) of an object. | |
file | WlzGauss.c |
Applies a Gaussian filter to an objects grey values. | |
file | WlzGaussNoise.c |
Adds Gaussian noise to the grey values of an object. | |
file | WlzGeometryTrackUpAndDown.c |
Interpolates tie-point bibfiles. | |
file | WlzGetSubSectionFromObj.c |
Cuts a section from an object with the domain of a given object. | |
file | WlzGreyCrossing.c |
Detects grey value crossings. | |
file | WlzGreyGradient.c |
Computes a grey gradient object from the input object. | |
file | WlzGreyInvert.c |
Inverts the grey-range of a grey-level object. | |
file | WlzGreyMask.c |
Sets all object values within a mask domain to a mask value. | |
file | WlzGreyNormalise.c |
Normalise the grey-range of a grey-level object. | |
file | WlzGreyRange.c |
Outputs the grey-range of a grey-level object. | |
file | WlzGreySetIncValues.c |
Sets incrementing (and hence unique) values in scan order throughout a domain object. | |
file | WlzGreySetRange.c |
Sets the grey-range of a grey-level woolz object. | |
file | WlzGreySetValue.c |
Sets the grey values of the object to a specified value. | |
file | WlzGreyStats.c |
Calculates simple statistics for a domain object's grey values. | |
file | WlzGreyTemplate.c |
Applies a template to an object's values. | |
file | WlzGreyTransfer.c |
Copies grey values from a source object to a destination object within the intersection of the object's domains. | |
file | WlzGreyValue.c |
Gets a single grey value in an object. | |
file | WlzGreyValueMixing.c |
file | WlzGreyVarianceObj.c |
Variance filters domain objects with values. | |
file | WlzHasIntersect.c |
Tests whether a pair of objects intersect. | |
file | WlzHistogramData.c |
Reads a histogram object and writes it as ascii data. | |
file | WlzHistogramEqualiseObj.c |
Histogram equalises a Woolz domain object. | |
file | WlzHistogramFindPeaks.c |
Finds histogram peak positions. | |
file | WlzHistogramFitPeaks.c |
Fits a series of Gaussian distributions to a histogram. | |
file | WlzHistogramGauss.c |
Convolves the bin values of a histogram object with a Gaussian's 0th, 1st or nd derivative. | |
file | WlzHistogramMatchObj.c |
Histogram matches a domain object. | |
file | WlzHistogramObj.c |
Computes a histogram from a 2D or 3D domain object. | |
file | WlzHistogramRebin.c |
Re-bins a histogram. | |
file | WlzHistogramSmooth.c |
Low-pass filters a histogram object. | |
file | WlzImageArithmetic.c |
Binary image arithmetic on a pair of domain objects. | |
file | WlzIndexObjFromCompound.c |
Creates an grey value index object from the given compound array object. | |
file | WlzIndexObjToCompound.c |
Creates an grey value index object from the given compound array object. | |
file | WlzInsideDomain.c |
Determines whether a vertex is within an object's domain. | |
file | WlzInteriority.c |
Computes interiority scores for object domains. | |
file | WlzIntersect.c |
Computes the intersection of the input objects. | |
file | WlzIntRescaleObj.c |
Rescales an object using an integer scale factor. | |
file | WlzIsEmpty.c |
Determines whether objects are empty. | |
file | WlzLabel.c |
Labels (segments) the input objects. | |
file | WlzLaplacian.c |
Applies a Laplacian edge enhancement filter. | |
file | WlzLineSkeleton.c |
Computes the line skeleton of the given object's domain. | |
file | WlzLineSkeletonSegment.c |
Computes the line skeleton of the given object's domain. | |
file | WlzLUTGreyTransformFromTxt.c |
Creates a grey LUT transform from text input to form a grey LUT transform object. | |
file | WlzLUTGreyTransformMerge.c |
Merges integer look up table grey transforms to form a RGB \(\alpha\) grey transform. | |
file | WlzLUTGreyTransformObj.c |
Applies an look up table grey transform. | |
file | WlzMakeEmpty.c |
Makes an empty woolz object. | |
file | WlzMakeRect.c |
Makes a rectangular or cuboid domain. | |
file | WlzMarkerLatticeFromDomain.c |
Covers a spatial domain with a lattice of markers. | |
file | WlzMarkersToDomain.c |
Creates a domain with a marker located at the position of each vertex read from a file. | |
file | WlzMatchICPObj.c |
Object matching using ICP based registration to find corresponding points. | |
file | WlzMeshTransformObj.c |
Applies a mesh transform to an object. | |
file | WlzMinWidthRectAngle.c |
Computes the angle of the minimum width rectangle which encloses the given 2D object. | |
file | WlzNearbyDomain.c |
Computes a domain which is newarby some some location in a reference domain. "". | |
file | WlzNObjsGreyStats.c |
Computes basic grey value statistics across multiple objects. | |
file | WlzObjToBoundary.c |
Converts a domain object to a boundary to a boundary list. | |
file | WlzOffsetDistance.c |
Computes an equidistant object between a pair of doimain objects. "". | |
file | WlzPerturbLandmarks.c |
Perturbs a set of landmark vertices using a random displacement, while constraining the landmarks to lie within a given domain. | |
file | WlzPointsFromDomain.c |
Outputs a point object given a 2 or 3D spatial domain. "". | |
file | WlzPointsToMarkers.c |
Creates a domain with a marker located at the position of each point vertex using a points object. | |
file | WlzPointsToText.c |
Writes out a Woolz points object as text. | |
file | WlzPolarSample.c |
Polar resampling of domain objects. | |
file | WlzPolygonToObj.c |
Converts a polygon object to a domain object. | |
file | WlzPrinicipalAngle.c |
Calculates the mass, centre of mass and principal angle of domain objects. | |
file | WlzProfileObj.c |
Extracts an arbitrary line of values from the given object. | |
file | WlzRandomAffineTransform.c |
Creates an affine transform with random transfrom primatives. | |
file | WlzRankObj.c |
Rank filters domain objects with values. | |
file | WlzRasterObj.c |
Rasterizes geometric objects into domain objects. | |
file | WlzRBFContourObj.c |
Uses radial basis function to approximate a contour from point clouds. | |
file | WlzRegisterCCor.c |
Registers a pair of 2D domain objects with grey values using frequency domain cross-correlation. | |
file | WlzRegisterICP.c |
Registers two objects using an iterative closest point algorithm. | |
file | WlzRegisterICPWSD.c |
Computes a 3D grey valued object in which the values are the weighted sums of distances as used for ICP registration. | |
file | WlzRGBAConvert.c |
Colour conversion for an RGBA colour object. | |
file | WlzRGBChannelRatio.c |
Computes log ratio of RGB channels in a RGBA object. | |
file | WlzRGBCombine.c |
Combines upto three domain objects with values to make a single RGBA domain object in which the input objects are used for the RGB components. | |
file | WlzRmDirBleed.c |
Removes directional bleed from a Woolz image object. "". | |
file | WlzRMSDiff.c |
Computes the RMS difference between the grey values of objects. | |
file | WlzRsvFilterObj.c |
Recursive filter for domain objects with grey values. | |
file | WlzSampleObj.c |
Efficient sub-sampling of domain objects. | |
file | WlzScalarBinaryOp.c |
Apply a scalar operation to a woolz object. | |
file | WlzScalarDivide.c |
Divides the pixel values of a grey-level object by a scalar value. | |
file | WlzScalarFeatures.c |
Extracts scalar features from Woolz domain objects. | |
file | WlzScalarFnObj.c |
file | WlzScalarScale.c |
Creates an object with a tiled value table from an object with a valid spatial domain. | |
file | WlzSelect1InN.c |
Selects planes 1 in n from a 3D object. | |
file | WlzSepFilterObj.c |
Seperable spatial convolution kernel base filters for 2 and 3D objects. | |
file | WlzSetBackground.c |
Sets the background value of a domain object with grey values. | |
file | WlzSetVoxelSize.c |
Sets the voxel size of a 3D domain object. | |
file | WlzShadeCorrect.c |
Shade corrects a domain object with values. | |
file | WlzShiftObj.c |
Shifts objects using an integer translation. | |
file | WlzSkeleton.c |
Computes the skeleton of the a domain object. | |
file | WlzSnapFitObjs.c |
Finds a set of correspondences between two objects based on closest points. | |
file | WlzSobel.c |
A 3x3 Sobel edge detection filter. | |
file | WlzStripProperties.c |
Strips the property list from an object. | |
file | WlzStructDilation.c |
Dilates an object using a structuring element object. | |
file | WlzStructErosion.c |
Erodes a domain object using a structuring element object. | |
file | WlzTensorComponent.c |
Extract tensor component values. "". | |
file | WlzThinObjToPoints.c |
Outputs a point object given a 2 or 3D spatial domain with the points computed by thinning the spatial domain object.. "". | |
file | WlzThreshold.c |
Thresholds a grey-level object. | |
file | WlzTiledObjFromDomain.c |
Creates an object with a tiled value table from an object with a valid spatial domain. | |
file | WlzTransformProduct.c |
Computes the product of a pair of transforms. | |
file | WlzTransposeObj.c |
Transposes a 2D object. | |
file | WlzTransposePlanes.c |
Transposes the planes of 3D objects. | |
file | WlzUnion.c |
Computes the union of domain objects. | |
file | WlzValuesFromCoords.c |
Adds coordinate values to the domain of the input object. | |
file | WlzVerifyObj.c |
Checks objects and fixes them if possible. | |
file | WlzVolume.c |
Computes the volume of 3D objects. | |
file | WlzWindow.c |
Applies a window function to a Woolz 2D domain object. | |
file | WlzXORObj.c |
Morphological set exclusive or operation on a pair of Woolz objects.. | |