Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
libAlc Directory Reference


file  Alc.h [code]
 Main (top-level) header file for the Woolz type allocation library.
file  AlcAlloc.c
 Provides functions for basic storage allocation. In their most basic form are simple wrappers for the ANSI functions malloc(3), calloc(3), realloc(3) and free(3) but they may be used to encapsulate more complex allocation such as for persistant storage.
file  AlcArray.c
 Provides functions for the allocation of 1, 2 and 3D arrays of types char, short, int, float and double. Extension to other types (including user defined types) should be straight formward through templates defined in AlcTemplates.h.
file  AlcBlockStack.c
 A general purpose memory block allocator. Blocks are allocated and stored in on a stack.
file  AlcCPQueue.c
 An \(O(1)\) priority queue based on algorithms from: Brown R, 1988. Calendar Queues: A Fast {O}(1)Priority Queue Implementation for the Simulation Event Set Problem. Communications of the ACM 31(10), 1220-1227. The priority queue has an \(O(1)\) time for insertion unlinking and holding of queue items with a favorable constant when compared to tree based priority queue data structures such as splay trees. Results presented by Brown show that this data structure outperforms tree based implementations and that simple ordered linked lists with \(O(n)\) operations outperform both calendar queues and tree based queues when there are less than ten items in the queue.
file  AlcDLPList.c
 A general purpose doubly linked circular list of pointers.
file  AlcFreeStack.c
 A general purpose free stack which allows a single pointer to be used to keep a list of data to be free'd.
file  AlcHashTable.c
 A general purpose hash table.
file  AlcHeap.c
 A basic heap data structure which uses an array.
file  AlcKDTree.c
 A general purpose, arbitrary dimension, integer/floating point binary space partition tree (kD-tree).
file  AlcLRUCache.c
 A cache allowing rank and key access to it's entries. The cache is maintained using a maximum number of items and maximum total entry size.
file  AlcString.c
 Provides functions for string duplication.
file  AlcTemplates.h [code]
 Templates used by the 'C' pre-processor to generate the body of the Woolz array allocation functions and the associated freeing functions.
file  AlcType.h [code]
 Type definitions for the Woolz type allocation library.
file  AlcUFTree.c
 A general purpose union tree based on Sedgewick's Weighted Quick Union Find, see Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne "Algorithms (4th Edition)". There is very little parameter checking in these functions and all given parameters must be valid.
file  AlcVector.c
 A general purpose 1D vector (extensible array).