Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
libAlg Directory Reference


file  Alg.h [code]
 Main (top-level) header file for the Woolz numerical algorithms library.
file  AlgAutoCorr.c
 Frequency domain auto correlation functions.
file  AlgBits.c
 Provides bit fiddling functions.
file  AlgBSpline.c
 Provides functions for fitting and evaluating B-Splines. This software is based on netlib Dierckx Fortran subroutines. In most cases the original comments have been preserved with little change and are inculded in the Doxygen documentation verbatim.
file  AlgComplexUtils.c
 Provides basic complex number utilities.
file  AlgConvolve.c
 Provides functions for convolving data arrays.
file  AlgCrossCorr.c
 Frequency domain cross correlation functions.
file  AlgDebug.c
 Provides debug output.
file  AlgDPSearch.c
 A 1D dynamic programming search procedure assuming a rectangular search region and a given non-local cost function.
file  AlgFourier.c
 Fast Fourier and Hartley transform functions.
file  AlgGamma.c
 Functions for computing gamma and incomplete gamma functions.
file  AlgGaussLegendrePoly.c
 Functions for Gauss-Legendre polynomials.
file  AlgGrayCode.c
 Provides functions for computing Gray codes and their inverse. See Christopher H. Hamilton. "Range Searching Data Structures with Cache Locality" PhD Thesis, Dalhousie University, March 20011. The code within this file is derived from this thesis and the software it refers to.
file  AlgHeapSort.c
 General purpose heap sort algorithms.
file  AlgHilbertIndex.c
 Provides functions for Hilbert indices and their inverse. See J. K. Lawder "Calculation of Mappings Between One an n-dimensional Values Using the Hilbert Space-filling Curve", Birkbeck, University of London Research Report BBKCS-00-01, 2000. The code in this technical report has been modifiied to support n-dimensions and variable bit orders without recompilation.
file  AlgLinearFit.c
 Provides functions for fitting linear models to data, ie linear regression.
file  AlgMatrix.c
 Matrix allocation and maintenance functions.
file  AlgMatrixCG.c
 Conjugate Gradient iterative method with preconditioning for the solution of linear systems with the form \(\mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} = \mathbf{b}\). A must be a symmetric postive definite matrix, i.e. \({\mathbf{x}}^T \mathbf{A} \mathbf{x} < 0\), \(\forall \mathbf{x} \not= \mathbf{0}\), \(\mathbf{x} \in R^n\).
file  AlgMatrixGauss.c
 Provides a function for solving matrix equations of the form: A.x = b for x using Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting.
file  AlgMatrixLSQR.c
 Provides functions for solving matrix equations using LSQR. This software is based on lsqr.c, a C version of LSQR derived by James W. Howse jhows.nosp@m.e@la.nosp@m.nl.go.nosp@m.v from the Fortran 77 implementation of C. C. Paige and M. A. Saunders. In most cases the extensive comments from Howse's lsqr.c have been preserved with little change.
file  AlgMatrixLU.c
 Provides functions for solving matrix equations of the form: A.x = b for x, inverting a matrix, calculating the determinant of a matrix and performing LU decomposition.
file  AlgMatrixMath.c
 Functions for basic arithmatic with matricies.
file  AlgMatrixRSEigen.c
 Functions to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix.
file  AlgMatrixRSTDiag.c
 Reduces a real symmetric matrix to symmetric tridiagonal form by orthogonal similarity transformation and construction of the right operator of the reduction.
file  AlgMatrixSV.c
 Provides functions for singular value decomposition.
file  AlgMatrixTDiagQLI.c
 Determines the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix using implicit shifts.
file  AlgMixture.c
 Provides a function for computing the maximum liklihood parameters of a mixture of distributions which fit the given data.
file  AlgPolyLSQ.c
 Provides functions for fitting a polynomial using least squares.
file  AlgQSort.c
 Specialized implementation of quick sort based on "Engineering a Sort Function" J.L. Bentley and M.D. McIlroy, Software Practice and Experience 23 (1993) 1249-1265.
file  AlgRand.c
 Provides functions which produce pseudo-random values.
file  AlgRandZig.c
 The Gaussian distribution random number generator is based on the Ziggurat method for generating random variables as used in the GNU scientific library. For details of the Ziggurat method see: George Marsaglia, Wai Wan Tsang The Ziggurat Method for Generating Random Variables, Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 5 (2000), no. 8 (http://www.jstatsoft.org/v05/i08/).
file  AlgRange.c
 Provides functions for computing the range of values within a given array.
file  AlgRank.c
 Rank selection algorithms which provide fast rank selection from an array of values. This is the general case of mimimum, median and maximum value rank selection.
file  AlgShuffle.c
 Functions for randomly permuting data.
file  AlgSort.c
 Basic sorting functions.
file  AlgType.h [code]
 Type definitions for the Woolz numerical algorithm library.
file  AlgVectorMath.c
 Basic vector arithmatic.