Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3

Defines Doxygen group WlzIO. More...


file  WlzReadObj.c
 Reads a Woolz object from a file stream.
file  WlzWriteObj.c
 Functions for writing Woolz objects.


enum  _WlzIOFlags {
 Flags for Woolz file I/O. More...


WlzObjectType WlzReadObjType (FILE *fP, WlzErrorNum *dstErr)
 Reads the type of an object from the given input file stream. This type is returned as read from the file and may not be a valid object type if the file is not a Woolz file or it is corrupted. More...
WlzObjectWlzReadObj (FILE *fp, WlzErrorNum *dstErr)
 Reads a woolz object from the given input stream. For some object types (e.g. 3D) an object may be returned with the error set to WLZ_ERR_READ_INCOMPLETE. This allows partial recovery of data. More...
WlzMeshTransform3DWlzReadMeshTransform3D (FILE *fp, WlzErrorNum *dstErr)
 reads a woolz 3D MeshTransform More...
WlzErrorNum WlzWriteObj (FILE *fP, WlzObject *obj)
 Top-level procedure for writing an object to a file stream. For historical reasons most data are written using DEC VAX byte ordering. More...
WlzErrorNum WlzWriteMeshTransform3D (FILE *fP, WlzMeshTransform3D *obj)
 Write a 3D mesh transform to the given file-stream. More...

Detailed Description

Defines Doxygen group WlzIO.

Woolz objects can be written to disc or pipe as a serial character stream. The file format is fixed and the appropriate byte-swapping and ordering is managed by architecture dependent functions for I/O of each basic type. These could break for non-default settings for byte orderings (e.g. possible on Sun workstations). The basic types are char (8-bit), int (4-byte), short (2-byte), float(4-byte) and double (8-byte). A new version of the object was introduced in 2002 to include a full property list therefore old code may not be able to read this data.

The structure of the object file is:

<object file> :=       <object>*<WLZ_NULL>
                       (There can be any number of objects)

<object>:=             <WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ><domain><grey-table><property-list>
                       <WLZ_3D_WARP_TRANS><3D warp-transform><property-list>
                       <WLZ_2D_POLYGON><2D polygon>
                       <WLZ_CONV_HULL><<2D polygon><convex hull>
                       <WLZ_3D_POLYGON>(not yet implemented)
                       <WLZ_NULL> (only valid for a compound object)
<WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ>:=   <type=1>
<WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ>:=   <type=2>
<WLZ_TRANS_OBJ>:=      <type=3>
<WLZ_3D_WARP_TRANS>:=  <type=4>
<WLZ_2D_POLYGON>:=     <type=10>
<WLZ_BOUNDLIST>:=      <type=11>
<WLZ_CONV_HULL>:=      <type=12>
<WLZ_HISTOGRAM>:=      <type=13>
<WLZ_3D_POLYGON>:=     <type=14>
<WLZ_CONTOUR>:=        <type=15>
<WLZ_RECTANGLE>:=      <type=20>
<WLZ_AFFINE_TRANS>:=   <type=63>
<WLZ_WARP_TRANS>:=     <type=64>
<WLZ_FMATCHOBJ>:=      <type=65>
<WLZ_COMPOUND_ARR_1>:= <type=80>
<WLZ_COMPOUND_ARR_2>:= <type=81>
<WLZ_PROPERTY_OBJ>:=   <type=110>
<WLZ_EMPTY_OBJ>:=      <type=127>
<WLZ_NULL>             <type=0>

<type>:=               <char> (interpreted as 1 byte unsigned integer)

<domain>:=             <WLZ_INTERVALDOMAIN_INTVL><l1><ll><k1><kl><intervals>
                       <WLZ_NULL> (only valid within a planedomain)


<l?>:=                 <int>
<k?>:=                 <int>
<p?>:=                 <int>

<intervals>:=          <number of intervals per line>*<endpoint pair>*

<endpoint pair>:=      <left end of interval><right end of interval>

<number of intervals per line>:= <int>
<left end of interval>:=         <int>
<right end of interval>:=        <int>

<grey-table>:=         <WLZ_NULL>
                       (In each case exactly sufficient values to fill the
                        intervals of the object. The value following the packing
                        is the background pixel value)

<WLZ_GREY_INT>:=       <type=1>
<WLZ_GREY_SHORT>:=     <type=2>
<WLZ_GREY_UBYTE>:=     <type=3>
<WLZ_GREY_FLOAT>:=     <type=4>
<WLZ_GREY_DOUBLE>:=    <type=5>

<packing>:=            <type>

<greyint>:=            <int>
<greyshort>:=          <short>
<greybyte>:=           <char>
<greyfloat>:=          <float>
<greydouble>:=         <double>

<property-list>:=      <WLZ_NULL>
                       <type=2><int=number of properties><property>*

<property>:=           <WLZ_NULL>
                       <WLZ_PROPERTY_EMAP><emap property type><int=Theiler stage>
                       ...<emap model name><emap version><int=creation time>
                       ...<emap name=author><emap name=machine name>
                       ...<int=modification time>emap name=modification author>

<emap property type>:= <WLZ_EMAP_PROPERTY_GREY_MODEL>

<emap model name>:=    <char>*32
<emap version>:=       <char>*16
<emap name>:+          <char>*64


<planedomain>:=        <WLZ_NULL>
                       ...<voxel-size><plane-positions><2D polygon>*
                       ...<voxel-size><plane-positions><warp transform>*

<voxel-size>:=         <float=x-size><float=y-size><float=z-size>
<plane-positions>:+    <float>* (one value for each plane, now obsolete)
<voxel-table>:=        <WLZ_NULL>
                       (note the number of grey-tables is determined from the
                        associated plane-domain)


<affine>:=             <WLZ_NULL>
                       (The affine transform matrix is written row-wise
                        as 16 double values)

<WLZ_TRANSFORM_2D_AFFINE>:=  <type=1> (full 2D affine)
<WLZ_TRANSFORM_2D_REG>:=     <type=2> (2D rigid-body)
<WLZ_TRANSFORM_2D_TRANS>:=   <type=3> (2D translation only)
<WLZ_TRANSFORM_2D_NOSHEAR>:= <type=4> (2D rigid-body plus scaling)
<WLZ_TRANSFORM_3D_AFFINE>:=  <type=5> (full 3D affine)
<WLZ_TRANSFORM_3D_REG>:=     <type=6> (3D rigid-body)
<WLZ_TRANSFORM_3D_TRANS>:=   <type=7> (3D translation only)
<WLZ_TRANSFORM_3D_NOSHEAR>:= <type=8> (3D rigid-body plus scaling)

<3D warp-transform>:=  <int=iteration><int=current-plane><float=max-displacement>
                       (one f-match-object per plane)

<2D polygon>:=         <WLZ_NULL>
                       <WLZ_POLYGON_INT><int=num vertices><2D int vertex>*
                       <WLZ_POLYGON_FLOAT><int=num vertices><2D float vertex>*
                       <WLZ_POLYGON_DOUBLE><int=num vertices><2D double vertex>*

<2D int vertex>:=      <int=line coord.><int=column coord.>
<2D float vertex>:=    <float=line coord.><float=column coord.>
<2D double vertex>:=   <double=line coord.><double=column coord.>
<3D int vertex>:=      <int=column coord.><int=line coord.><int=plane coord.>
<3D float vertex>:=    <float=column coord.><float=line coord.><float=plane coord.>
<3D double vertex>:=   <double=column coord.><double=line coord.><double=plane coord.>
                       (Note 2D in reverse order (y,x), 3D in normal order (x,y,z))

<bound-list>:=         <WLZ_NULL>
                       <type=1><bound-list type><bound-list=next>

<bound-list type>:=    <WLZ_BOUNDLIST_PIECE>

<WLZ_BOUNDLIST_HOLE>:=  <type=1>

<convex hull>:=        <WLZ_NULL>
                       <WLZ_CONVHULL_VALUES><int=num chords><int=num sig. chords>
                       ...<int=mid line><int=mid column><chord>*

<chord>:=              <int=significance><int=acon><int=bcon><int=ccon>
                       ...<double=chord length>
                       (parameters are defined in WlzTypes.h)


<histogram>:=          <WLZ_NULL>
                       <WLZ_HISTOGRAMDOMAIN_INT><int=num bins><double=origin>
                       ...<double=bin size><int>*
                       <WLZ_HISTOGRAMDOMAIN_FLOAT><int=num bins><double=origin>
                       ...<double=bin size><double>*
                       (curiously float type is actually all doubles)


<contour>:=            <WLZ_CONTOUR><GM model>

<GM model>:=           <WLZ_GMMOD_2I><type=0><int=num vertices><int=num edges>
                       ...<2D int vertex>*<edge indices>*
                       <WLZ_GMMOD_2D><type=0><int=num vertices><int=num edges>
                       ...<2D double vertex>*<edge indices>*
                       <WLZ_GMMOD_3I><type=0><int=num vertices><int=num faces>
                       ...<3D int vertex>*<face indices>*
                       <WLZ_GMMOD_3D><type=0><int=num vertices><int=num faces>
                       ...<3D double vertex>*<face indices>*

<edge indices>:=       <int=1st index><int=2nd index>
                       (These are indices into the vertex table for each simplex)
<face indices>:=       <int=1st index><int=2nd index><int=3rd index>
                       (These are indices into the vertex table for each simplex,
                        in this case the faces are triangles)

<rectangle>:=          <WLZ_NULL>


<fk?>:=                <float>
<fl?>:=                <float>
<rangle>:=             <float>

<warp-transform>:=     <WLZ_WARP_TRANS><int=num elements><int=num nodes>
                       ...<float=max displacement><float=max disp. last iteration>
                       ...<node coord>*<displacement>*<element>*

<node coord>:=         <float=x><float=y>
<displacement:=        <float=x-displacement><float=y-displacement>
<element>:=            <element type><int=global element #><global node #>
                       ...<element u-vals><element a-vals>

<element type>:=        <WLZ_LINEAR>
<global node #>:=       <int=1st node #><int=2nd node #><int=3rd node #>
<element ?-vals>:=      <float=1st val><float=2nd val><float=3rd val>

<WLZ_LINEAR>:=          <type=1>
<WLZ_COMPRESSIBLE>:=    <type=3>

<f-match-object>:=      <int=num match points><match point>*

<match point>:=         <match type><int=node index><float=x-coord><float=y-coord>
                        ...<search element indices>

<search element indices>:= <int=element index>*20

<compound-array>:=      <compound-array type><int=num objects><object>*<property-list>

<int>:=                 4 byte signed integer, LSB first (little endian - VAX order!)
<short>:=               2 byte signed integer, LSB first (little endian - VAX order!)
<float>:=               4 byte floating point (Vax format for backward compatibility)
                        mapping to IEEE Standard 754 as:
                            byte 1 = (IEEE byte 2)
                            byte 2 = (IEEE byte 1) + 1
                            byte 3 = (IEEE byte 4)
                            byte 4 = (IEEE byte 3)
                        (This scrambled ordering matches sparc, mips and power-pc,
                         the reverse matches x86 and alpha)
<double>:=              8 byte floating point mapping to  IEEE Standard 754 as:
                            byte 1 = (IEEE byte 8)
                            byte 2 = (IEEE byte 7)
                            byte 3 = (IEEE byte 6)
                            byte 4 = (IEEE byte 5)
                            byte 5 = (IEEE byte 4)
                            byte 6 = (IEEE byte 3)
                            byte 7 = (IEEE byte 2)
                            byte 8 = (IEEE byte 1)
                        (I.e. this is the reverse order for sparc, mips and power-pc,
                         natural order for x86 and alpha)
<char>:=                8-bit byte

The basic philosophy of the sequential form of an object is that sub-objects are ordered in such a way that pointers are unnecessary. This ordering is defined hierarchically above. All symbols not otherwise defined are taken to be "<int>", i.e. a 4-byte signed integer, <...>* indicates that the item is repeated a suitable number of times. Alternative expansions of a non-terminal symbol are given on separate lines. "..." at the beginning of a line indicates the continuation of the previous line.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ _WlzIOFlags

Flags for Woolz file I/O.


No flags set.


Read flag bit.


Write flag bit.

Function Documentation

◆ WlzReadObjType()

WlzObjectType WlzReadObjType ( FILE *  fP,
WlzErrorNum dstErr 

Reads the type of an object from the given input file stream. This type is returned as read from the file and may not be a valid object type if the file is not a Woolz file or it is corrupted.

Woolz object type as read from file.
fPInput file.
dstErrDestination error pointer, may be NULL.


Referenced by WlzReadObj().

◆ WlzReadObj()

WlzObject* WlzReadObj ( FILE *  fp,
WlzErrorNum dstErr 

Reads a woolz object from the given input stream. For some object types (e.g. 3D) an object may be returned with the error set to WLZ_ERR_READ_INCOMPLETE. This allows partial recovery of data.

New Woolz object or NULL on error.
fpInput file.
dstErrDestination error pointer, may be NULL.

References _WlzValues::core, _WlzDomain::core, _WlzDomain::i, WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ, WLZ_EMPTY_OBJ, WLZ_ERR_EOO, WLZ_ERR_NONE, WLZ_ERR_READ_EOF, WLZ_NULL, WlzMakeMain(), and WlzReadObjType().

Referenced by WlzConstruct3DObjFromFile(), WlzEffReadObj(), and WlzGeometryTrackUpAndDown_s().

◆ WlzReadMeshTransform3D()

WlzMeshTransform3D* WlzReadMeshTransform3D ( FILE *  fp,
WlzErrorNum dstErr 

reads a woolz 3D MeshTransform

J. Rao.
Woolz mesh transform read from the input stream.
fpInput file pointer.
dstErrError return.

References AlcMalloc(), _WlzMeshTransform3D::nElem, WLZ_ERR_MEM_ALLOC, and WLZ_ERR_NONE.

◆ WlzWriteObj()

WlzErrorNum WlzWriteObj ( FILE *  fP,
WlzObject obj 

Top-level procedure for writing an object to a file stream. For historical reasons most data are written using DEC VAX byte ordering.

Woolz error number code.
fPFile pointer for output.
objPtr to top-level object to be written.


Referenced by WlzContourRBFBndObj3D(), WlzDbgObjWrite(), WlzDomainFill3D(), WlzEffWriteObj(), and WlzRegICPObjsGrd().

◆ WlzWriteMeshTransform3D()

WlzErrorNum WlzWriteMeshTransform3D ( FILE *  fP,
WlzMeshTransform3D obj 

Write a 3D mesh transform to the given file-stream.

J. Rao.
Error number.
fPOutput file-stream pointer
objMesh transform to be written.

References WLZ_ERR_NONE.