Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
Wlz3DWarpMQ - Automatically produce a tetrahedron mesh from a woolz object.
Wlz3DWarpMQ [-l#] [-m#] [-n#] [-x#] [-y#] [-z#] [-X#] [-Y#] [-Z#] [-i#]
            [-j#] [-k#] [-O#] [-o#] [#] [-p#] [-t#] [-M#] [-c#] [-C#]
            [-b#] [-u#] [-r#] [-R#] [-e#] [-E#] [-f#] [-F#] [-g#] [-G#]
            [-a#] [-A#] [-Q#] [-q#] [-W#] [-B#] [-h] [-G] [-L] [<input file>]
-h Help, prints usage message.
-l The number of cuboid elements along x-direction (default is 6).
-m The number of cuboid elements along y-direction (default is 6).
-n The number of cuboid elements along z-direction (default is 6).
-x The minimum x-coordinate.
-y The minimum y-coordinate.
-z The minimum z-coordinate.
-X The maximum x-coordinate.
-Y The maximum y-coordinate.
-Z The maximum z-coordinate (default will use the input Woolz Obj boxding box.
-C Output cuting plane and corresponding surface in VTK form (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is no).
-c The constant Z-plane used to cut the transformed mesh (default is 0).
-i Input file name for the Woolz Object.
-o Output file name for the warped Woolz Object.
-t Input file name for the tiepoints.
-q Output file for Mesh Transform in Wlz format.
-B Input file for Mesh Transform in Wlz format..
-g Minimum z-coordinate target plane (default is 0).
-G Maximum Z-coordinate target plane (default is -1)..
-R The tiepoint contains displacement (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is no).
-r Read Mesh transform from a file (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is no).
-Q Output Mesh transform in Wlz format to a file (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is no).
-a Output the automatically produced 3D mesh VTK form (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is no).
-M Output the transformed 3D mesh VTK form (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is no).
-W Warp the Woolz object (1 for yes, 0 for no, default is yes).
Wlz3DWarpMQ automatically produces a tetrahedron mesh from a woolz object. But the user should input some parameters to give a large cuboid which cover the Woolz object. Sure, you can also just give a small cuboid by transfer only part of your Woolz object.
See Also