Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzBSplineDistance [-h] -d<dst> [-e<tol>] [-s <x>,<y>[,<z>]] [-t <ref>] [<in object>]
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-d | Distance from reference parametric coordinate (required). |
-e | Tolerance for distances (default 0.01). |
-s | Step size (default 1.0,1.0,1.0). |
-t | Reference parametric coordinate along the B-spline curve (default 0.0). |
WlzBSplineDistance -d 20.0 spline.wlzPrints out the parametric coordinate at the distance 20.0 from the start of the B-spline read from the file spline.wlz to the standard output.