Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzCannyDeriche [-o<output object>] [-h] [-o] [-a#] [-d] [-e] [-g] [-m#] [-l#] [-u#] [<input object>]
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-o | Output object file name. |
-a | Deriche's alpha parameter. |
-d | Output object with edge direction encoding. |
-e | Output object with edge gradients. |
-g | Output object with all gradients. |
-m | Filter multiplier parameter. |
-l | Lower hysteresis threshold value. |
-u | Upper hysteresis threshold value. |
WlzCannyDeriche -e -a 1.0 -l 15 -u 40 -m 10 -o edges.wlz in.wlzThe input Woolz object is read from in.wlz, and filtered using a Deriche edge operator with alpha=1.0, gradients are multiplied by 10.0 before non-maximal suppression or hysteresis thresholding. The hysteresis threshold values of 15 and 40 are used to threshold the edge image which is written to edge.wlz.