Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzContourObj [-o<output object>] [-h] [-o] [-g] [-i] [-l] [-m] [-r] [-U] [-o#] [-v#] [-w#] [<input object>]
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-o | Output object file name. |
-b | Compute object boundary contours. |
-g | Compute maximal gradient contours. |
-i | Compute iso-value contours. |
-l | Flip orientation (normals will be reversed). |
-m | Generate normals (if possible). |
-r | Compute object boundary contours using radial basis functions. |
-U | Use unit voxel size. |
-v | Contour iso-value or minimum gradient. |
-w | Contour (Deriche) gradient operator width. |
WlzContourObj -i -v 0.0 in.wlzThe input Woolz object is read from in.wlz, and the iso-value (iso-value = 1.0) contour list is written to stdout.