Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
WlzCreateSpecialSE - creates a "special" structuring element object.
WlzCreateSpecialSE  -  [-o#] [-r#] [-s#] [-t#] [-x#] [-y#] [-z#] [-h]
-h Help, prints usage message.
-o Structuring element object type specified by an integer value:
0 2D
1 3D
-r Structuring element radius.
-s Structuring element sub-type specified by an integer value:
0 8-connected (2D)
1 4-connected (2D)
2 6-connected (3D)
3 18-connected (3D)
4 26-connected (3D)
5 octagonal (2D)
6 Euclidean (2D and 3D)
-t Structuring element type specified by an integer value (Liang naming):
0 h4 - 4-connected (default)
1 ex4 - (111)(010)(111)
2 a8 - 8-connected
3 h6 - 6 combinations of 2 missing corners
4 h5 - 4 options of 3 missing corners
5 h7 - 4 options of 1 missing corner
6 a3 - 4-connected, 4 options of 1 missing side
7 e1 - (000)(011)(000)
8 e2 - (000)(111)(000)
9 v2 - (010)(010)(010)
20 single pixel object
21 circle object
22 sphere object
23 standard structuring element - uses distance type (sub-type), radius and otype
Creates a "special" structuring element object and writes the new object to standard output.
WlzCreateSpecialSE -o1 -r32 -s4 >sphere.wlz
Creates a 3D domain object in which the domain is a 26-connected sphere of radius 32.
See Also
WlzIntro(1) WlzDilation(1) WlzErosion(1) WlzMakeSpecialStructElement(3) WlzMakeSinglePixelObject(3) WlzMakeCircleObject(3) WlzMakeSphereObject(3) WlzMakeStdStructElement(3)