Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
WlzCutObjToBox - Cuts out a filled box (rectangle or cuboid) from the given object. Background values filled with single a value or random distribution.
WlzCutObjToBox [-dfhisuN] [-o<output object file>]
           [-M<noise mean>] [-S<noise std dev>]
           [-x<x min>,<x max>] [-y<y min>,<y max>]
           [-z<z min>,<z max>] [<input object file>]
-o Output object file
-N Fill Background with Gaussian noise.
-M Mean of Gaussian noise.
-S Standard deviation of Gaussian noise.
-x Column box limits.
-y Line box limits.
-z Plane box limits
-d Output object has double value table elements.
-f Output object has float value table elements.
-i Output object has integer value table elements.
-s Output object has short value table elements.
-u Output object has unsigned byte value table elements.
-h Help, prints message.
-v Verbose operation (not enabled).
By default the input object is read from the standard input and the output object is written to the standard output. Box limit values are comma separated and default to the bounding box of the input objects domain. The default grey value type is the same as the input object grey value type.
Cuts a WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ or WLZ_3D_DOMAINOBJ rectangular or cuboid object so that it fills the given box.
A simple example of using WlzCutObjToBox to cut a rectangular or cuboid object from the object that is read from the standard input. The output object, which is written to the standard output, fills the bounding box of the input object.
WlzCutObjToBox <infile.wlz >outfile.wlz
An example in which the input object is used to create a 0-256 rectangular or cuboid object.
WlzCutObjToBox -x0,256, -y0,256 -z0,256 -o outfile.wlz infile.wlz

See Also
WlzCutObjToBox2D(3) WlzCutObjToBox3D(3) WlzClipObjToBox2D(3) WlzClipObjToBox3D(3)