Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
WlzDistanceAllNearest - computes the location of the closest point in a reference domain for all points in a foreground domain.
WlzDistanceAllNearest [-d#] [-f<foreground object>] [-o<output>] [-h]
                     [<reference object>]
-h Help, prints usage message.
-o Output file.
-d Distance function:
1 octagonal (2D and 3D) - default
4 4-connected (2D)
8 8-connected (2D)
6 6-connected (3D)
18 18-connected (3D)
26 26-connected (3D)
-f The foreground object file.
Computes the location of the closest point in a reference domain for all points within the foreground domain. The output object is a compound object in which the first component objects (2 for 2D and 3 for 3D) are the coordinates of the closest point in the reference domain and the next (3rd for 2D and 4th for 3D) is the distance.
WlzDistanceAllNearest -f fish4.wlz fish4eye.wlz > out.wlz
Reads the given 2D domain objects and then computes the closest point to and distance from the domain of fish4eye.wlz within the domain of fish4.wlz. The output compound array will have 3 component objects, with the first two encoding the integer column (x) and row (y) followed by the third object with float distances from the closest point.
See Also
WlzIntro(1) WlzDistAllNearest(3)