Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzGauss [-w #[ #]] [-x#] [-y#] [-h] [<input file>]
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-w | Gaussian widths in the x and (optionaly) y directions, specified as full width half maximum in pixels, with a default value of 3.0. If a single width parameter is given the y width is set equal to the x width. |
-x | Order of the x derivative with possible values 0,1,2 and a default value of 0. |
-y | Order of the x derivative with possible values 0,1,2 and a default value of 0. |
WlzGauss -w 5 in.wlz >smooth.wlzSmooths the grey values of the object read from in.wlz using a Gaussian filter with a full width half maximum of 5 pixels and both derivatives equal to zero. The resulting object is written to smooth.wlz.