Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzGreySetValue [-c #,#,#] [-C #,#,#,#] [-g#] [-h] [<input mask> [<input obj>]]
-c | New colour value r,g,b - default 0,0,0, alpha=255. |
-C | New colour value r,g,b,a - default 0,0,0,255. |
-g | The specified grey value - default 0. |
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
WlzGreySetValue -g 128 dom.wlz >out.wlzCreates a new object with the domain of the object read from dom.wlz but with all grey values having value 128. The grey type of the resulting object are chosen to be the minimum which can be used to encode the specified value, with the possible types (in increasing order) being: unsigned byte, short, int and double. The resulting object is written to out.wlz.