Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
WlzHistogramObj - computes a Woolz histogram object from a 2D or 3D domain object.
WlzHistogramObj [-o<output object file>] [-a] [-h]
           [-n<bins>] [-s<start>] [-w<width>]
           [<input object file>]
-a output the histogram as ascii data not a Woolz histogram object.
-n number of histogram bins.
-s start value, lower limit of histogram.
-w width of the histogram bins.
-o Output object file name.
-h Help - print help message
-v Verbose operation
By default the input object is read from the standard input and the output histogram data/object is written to the standard output. If the number of histogram bins is not specified then the number of bins, the origin and the bin width are computed as follows:
    number of bins     =     ceil(max(g) - min(g) + 1.0)
    start value        =     min(g)
    bin width          =     1.0
where max(g) and min(g) are the maximum and minimum grey values in the domain object.
Computes a Woolz histogram object from the input Woolz 2D or 3D domain object.
Output ascii data are written as a set of records one per line, with each record composed of two fields separated by white space characters:
<grey value> <histogram bin occupancy>
# An example which uses WlzHistogramObj and xgraph to plot the
# histogram of a domain object.

WlzHistogramObj -a myObj.wlz | xgraph
See Also