Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzLineSkeletonSegment [-h] [-v] [-p #,#,#] [-P] [-q #,#,#] [-o<output object>] [<input object>]
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-o | Output object file. |
-p | First point of line segment. |
-P | Output object is a points object rather than the same type as the input object. |
-q | Second point of line segment. |
-u | Verbose output messages. |
WlzLineSkeletonSegment -o path.wlz -p 249,325,37 -q 116,241,302 colon.wlzComputes a path from the point 249,325,37 to the point 116,241,302 in the domain of the object read from the file colon.wlz. The output path is written to the file path.wlz