Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzMakeRect [-23] [-o<output file>] [-x<x min>,<x max>] [-y<y min>,<y max>] [-z<z min>,<z max>]
-2 | Create a 2D rectanglar domain object (default). |
-3 | Create a 3D cuboid domain object. |
-o | Output object file |
-x | Column domain limits (default 0,0). |
-y | Line domain limits (default 0,0). |
-z | Plane domain limits (default 0,0 and makes the default dimension 3). |
-h | Help, prints message. |
WlzMakeRect -3A single pixel object with origin (1,2) is written to the standard output.
WlzMakeRect -x 1 -y 2A 3D domain object with planes from 3 to 6, lines from 4 to 7 and column from 5 to 8 is written to the file dom.wlz:
WlzMakeRect -x5,8, -y4,7 -z3,6 -o dom.wlz