Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
WlzProfileObj - Extracts an arbitrary line of values from the given object.
WlzProfileObj [-h] [-o<output object file>]
           [-s<x>,<y>,<z>] [-e<x>,<y>,<z>] [<input object file>]
-o Output object file
-e End of line segment.
-s Start of line segment.
-v Verbose operation (not enabled).
By default the input object is read from the standard input and the output object is written to the standard output.
Extracts a single line 2D domain object (with values if they exist in the given object) from the given object. The line segment runs from the given start to the given end point. The components values of the start and end points of the line segment have defaults of the minimum and maximum bounding box values respectively.
Extracts a line of values from (0,100) to (200,300) through the given 2D object read from in.wlz. The output object is written to the file out.wlz.
WlzProfileObj -o out.wlz -s 0,100 -e 200,300 in.wlz
See Also
WlzProfileLine(3) WlzProfileLineIDom(3)