Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3


file  WlzRmDirBleed.c
 Removes directional bleed from a Woolz image object. "".

Detailed Description

WlzRmDirBleed - removes directional bleed from a Woolz image object
WlzRmDirBleed [-h] [-l] [-m] [-R] [-T] [-a#] [-b#] [-g#]
              [-o<out object file>] [<in object file>]
-a Alpha, fraction of buffer to remove from current plane.
-b Beta, fraction of previous plane add to buffer.
-g Gamma parameter, spread of bleed per section.
-o Output file.
-l Preserve plane image value limits.
-m Histogram match planes so that the input and output histograms are similar.
-R Reverse direction (last plane to first).
-T Make the output object a tiled object.
-h Help, prints usage message.
Attempts to remove directional bleed from a Woolz image object. By default all files are read from the standard input and written to the standard output. A single plane buffer ( \(f\)) is updated at each plane using the contents of the current and previous source planes ( \(s_p\) and \(s_{p - 1}\)):

\[ f = (1/(1 + \beta)) gauss(s_p + \beta s_{p - 1}, \gamma) \]

At each destination plane (d_p) a fraction of the buffer is then subtracted:

\[ d_p = s_p - \alpha f \]

By default all files are read from the standard input and written to the standard output.
WlzRmDirBleed -oout.wlz -a 0.5 -b 0.6 -g 2.0 -m in.wlz
a new image object with the same domain and grey type as the input object (in.wlz) in which directional bleed has been removed is written to out.wlz.
See Also