Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzSnapFitObjs [-h] [-o<output file>] [-A] [-i <transform>] [-d #] [-t #] [-s #] <target object> <source object>
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
-o | Output file for correspondences. |
-A | Correspondences output in absolute format. |
-i | Initial affine transform to be applied to the source object. |
-d | Maximum distance between any target source correspondences. |
-t | Minimum distance between target correspondence points. |
-s | Minimum distance between source correspondence points. |
<sx> <sy>[ <sz> ]<tx - sx> <ty - sy>[ <tz - sz>]or absolute format:
<tx> <ty>[ <tz> ]<sx> <sy>[ <sz>],where sx, sy, sz, tx, ty and tz are the source and target coordinates.