Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzTiledObjFromDomain [-b #] [-c] [-g ] [-h] [-o<output file>] [-s #,#,#] [<input file>]
-b | Background value. |
-c | Copy grey values from the given object. |
-g | Grey type specified using one of the characters: l, i, s, u, f, d, r for long, intm shortm unsigned byte, float, double or red-green-blue-alpha. |
-o | Output object. |
-h | Help, prints usage message. |
WlzTiledObjFromDomain -o tiled.wlz in.wlz WlzCopyToTiledObj -t tiled.wlz in.wlzCreates a new object (tiled.wlz) with the same domain (and voxel dimensions) as the input object (in.wlz) but a with tiled value table . The values in the tiles are set in this example using WlzCopyToTiledObj.