Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
WlzAffineTransformObj [-o<output object file>] [-L] [-M] [-N] [-P] [-R] [-h] [-3] [-i] [-x#][-y"#] [-z#] [-s#] [-t#] [-a#] [-b#] [-u#] [-v#] [-w#] [<input object file>]
-3 | 3D transform instead of 2D. |
-L | use linear interpolation instead of nearest neighbour. |
-M | print matix values. |
-N | no transformation. |
-P | print transform primatives. |
-R | use radians for angles instead of degrees. |
-a | rotation about the z-axis. |
-b | rotation about the y-axis. |
-h | help, prints usage message. |
-i | invert: reflect about the y-axis. |
-o | output object file name. |
-s | scale factor. |
-t | affine transform object. |
-u | shear strength. |
-v | shear angle in x-y plane. |
-w | 3D shear angle. |
-x | column (x) translation. |
-y | row (y) translation. |
-z | plane (z) translation. |
-h | Help - print this message |
-v | Verbose operation |
WlzAffineTransformObj -x100 -y200 myobj.wlz > transformed.wlz