Processing math: 0%
Woolz Image Processing  Version 1.8.3
libWlz Directory Reference


file  Wlz.h [code]
 Main (top-level) Woolz header file which includes all other header files required by Woolz.
file  Wlz2DContains.c
 Takes a WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ, calls WlzLabel to split the domain and returns the one containing point(x,y).
file  Wlz3DProjection.c
 Generates the projection or back-projection of a domain object from 3D to 2D and visa versa.
file  Wlz3DSection.c
 Functions for cutting 2D sections from 3D objects.
file  Wlz3DSectionFromGeoModel.c
 Functions to cut a 2D geometric model from a 3D geometric model.
file  Wlz3DSectionSegmentObject.c
 Segments a 3D object into 2 parts determined by the input section plane. The parts are the domains on either side of the plane.
file  Wlz3DSubSection.c
 Return a sub-region of a 3D section via a 3D section transform.
file  Wlz3DViewStructUtils.c
 Utility functions associated with 3D views.
file  Wlz3DViewTransformObj.c
 View transformation functions.
file  Wlz3DWarpMQ_S.c
 Generates a regular tetrahedral mesh for a 3D domain.
file  WlzAffineTransform.c
 Functions for computing affine transforms and applying them to objects.
file  WlzAffineTransformLSq.c
 Functions for computing Woolz affine transforms that give the best fit, in a least squares sense, when used to transform one set of vertices to another.
file  WlzArea.c
 Computes the area of an object.
file  WlzArray.c
 Functions for converting between domain objects and arrays.
file  WlzAssign.c
 Woolz objects domains and values maintain a linkcount, which records it's usage by other objects, domains or values. To increment a linkcount the appropriate assignment function should be used.
file  WlzAutoCor.c
 Functions to compute the autocorrelation of an object.
file  WlzBackground.c
 Functions to get and set the background value of objects.
file  WlzBasisFn.c
 Functions for creating and manipulating basis functions.
file  WlzBasisFnTransform.c
 Functions for computing and applying basis function transforms.
file  WlzBoundaryUtils.c
 Simple functions that operate on boundary lists.
file  WlzBoundingBox.c
 Functions for computing the axis aligned bounding box of objects.
file  WlzBoundToObj.c
 Functions to convert a boundary object or domain to a domain object.
file  WlzBSpline.c
 Functions to create and compute B-spline domain objects.
file  WlzBuildObj.c
 Functions to allow spatial domain objects with values to be built incrementally.
file  WlzCannyDeriche.c
 A Canny-Deriche edge detection filter.
file  WlzCbThreshold.c
 Threshold an object using a callback function to determine if the pixel value satifies the threshold criteria.
file  WlzCCor.c
 Computes the cross correlation of two objects.
file  WlzCentrality.c
 Functions for computing the centrality of a feature domain with respect to a boundary domain. See WlzCentrality().
file  WlzCentreOfMass.c
 Computes the centre of mass of objects.
file  WlzClipObjToBox.c
 Functions for clipping the domain of either 2D or 3D domain objects so that they lie within the given axis aligned biunding box.
file  WlzCMeshCurvature.c
 Functions to compute curvatures on conforming simplical meshes.
file  WlzCMeshDispField.c
 Functions transferring displacements between meshes and displacement fields.
file  WlzCMeshExtrapolate.c
 Functions to extrapolate values within conforming meshes.
file  WlzCMeshFMar.c
 Fast marching methods within conforming meshes.
file  WlzCMeshIntersect.c
 Functions for computing the intersection with conforming meshes.
file  WlzCMeshScan.c
 Iterators for scanning through CMesh based objects and domains.
file  WlzCMeshSMReg.c
file  WlzCMeshSurfMap.c
 Functions for computing surface mappings that are based on conformal transformations and other mappings between surfaces and planes.
file  WlzCMeshTransform.c
 Functions for creating and applying 2D and 3D conforming mesh transforms.
file  WlzCMeshUtils.c
 Utility functions for 2D and 3D graph based conforming simplical meshes.
file  WlzCMeshValueTransfer.c
 Functions for transfering values from one mesh to another.
file  WlzCompDispIncGrey.c
 Functions to compute vector displacement maps from two warps of domain objects which originate from a common object with incrementing integer grey values.
file  WlzCompoundArrayToScalar.c
 Functions to convert vector values held in a compound array to scalar values in a domain object.
file  WlzCompThresh.c
 Functions for computing a threshold value from a histogram object.
file  WlzConComThreshold.c
 Functions to perform connected component thresholding.
file  WlzConstruct3D.c
 Functions to construct 3D domain objects from 2D domain objects.
file  WlzContour.c
 Functions for extracting contours from objects.
file  WlzConvertPix.c
 Conversion of values.
file  WlzConvexHull.c
 Functions for computing the convex hull of objects.
file  WlzConvexHull3D.c
 Functions for computing 3D convex hull domains.
file  WlzConvexHullClarkson.c
 Functions to compute convex hulls using the Clarkson's algorithm.
file  WlzConvolve.c
 Functions for convolving the values of domain objects.
file  WlzCopy.c
 Functions to make 'deep' copies of objects.
file  WlzCutObjToBox.c
 Functions for creating new domain objects with rectangular value tables.
file  WlzDebug.c
 Default debugging text and object output functions for the Woolz library flag based debugging system.
file  WlzDebug.h [code]
 Defines the Woolz debug masks and function prototypes.
file  WlzDiffDomain.c
 Functions for computing the domain difference between objects.
file  WlzDiffDomain3d.c
 Functions for computing the domain difference between 3D objects.
file  WlzDilation.c
 Functions for dilating objects with spatial domains.
file  WlzDistAllNearest.c
 Functions to compute nearest points in a reference domain at all points in a foreground domain.
file  WlzDistMetric.c
 Functions to compute the Hausdorff distance, mean nearest neighbour and the median nearest neighbour distances between two datasets.
file  WlzDistTransform.c
 Distance transform functions which calculate the distance of every pixel/voxel in a foreground object from a reference object.
file  WlzDomainFill.c
 Functions to fill holes in domain objects.
file  WlzDomainFill3D.c
 Functions to fill holes in 3D voxel domain objects.
file  WlzDomainNearby.c
 Functions for computing the portion of a domain which is nearby (all pixels/voxels less than a given distance from) given locations.
file  WlzDomainUtils.c
 Utility functions for domains.
file  WlzDrawDomain.c
 Functions for composing a domain from simple drawing commands.
file  WlzEmpty.c
 Convenience functions to check empty status of objects.
file  WlzErosion.c
 Morphological erosion of domain objects.
file  WlzErosion4.c
 Performs 4-connected erosion on domain objects.
file  WlzError.c
 Error related functions for the Woolz library.
file  WlzError.h [code]
 Definitions of Woolz error codes.
file  WlzExplode3D.c
 Explodes a 3D domain object into 2D domain objects.
file  WlzFacts.c
 Text description (facts) of Woolz objects.
file  WlzFillBlankPlanes.c
 Fills blank planes of a 3D object. Originally this was used by MAPaint to allow painting of intermediate planes.
file  WlzFilterNObjValues.c
 Computes a domain object in which the values are the filtered values of the input objects at the same positions.
file  WlzFitPlane.c
 Functions for computing best fit planes.
file  WlzFourier.c
 Functions for computing Fourier transforms and their inverse.
file  WlzFreeSpace.c
 Functions for freeing objects and their components.
file  WlzGauss.c
 Gaussian filter fo 2D objects with values. Uses WlzSepTrans() and for colour images can only do smoothing correctly (i.e. derivative zero).
file  WlzGaussNoise.c
 Functions for making Gaussian noise filled objects.
file  WlzGeometry.c
 Geometric utility functions.
file  WlzGeometryTrackUpAndDown_s.c
 Tracks contours forming surface patches.
file  WlzGeoModel.c
 Basic operators for manipulating Woolz geometric models. These can be either planar graphs or 3D surfaces, with the surfaces being either manifold or non-manifold.
file  WlzGeoModelCellGridWSp.c
 Functions to create and free geometric models cell grid work spaces.
file  WlzGeoModelCut.c
 Functions to cut geometric models (GM's).
file  WlzGeoModelFilters.c
 Filters for geometric models (GM's).
file  WlzGeoModelStats.c
 Functions to compute statistics about geometric models.
file  WlzGreyCrossing.c
 Computes a domain object with grey values in which the values encode the direction at each pixel of a grey value transition. If the given grey value is zero then this is the zero crossing direction.
file  WlzGreyDitherObj.c
 Makes a dithered object from the given grey-level object.
file  WlzGreyExtremum.c
 Finds the location of extremum values within an object.
file  WlzGreyGradient.c
 Computes objects in which the grey values are the gradient of the gray values in the original image.
file  WlzGreyInvertMinMax.c
 Grey value inversion.
file  WlzGreyMask.c
 Functions to set the value within the domain of a object.
file  WlzGreyModGradient.c
 Functions to calculate the modulus of the grey-level gradient of Woolz objects.
file  WlzGreyNormalise.c
 Normalises the grey-values of an object to the range [0 - 255]. Colour images have each channel independently normalised. For proportional normalisation of colour use WlzGreySetRange directly. To determine the modulus range use WlzRGBAModulusRange().
file  WlzGreyRange.c
 Computes the grey range of an object. Note that the colour range returned is the independent max and min values for each channel.
file  WlzGreyScan.c
 Object grey value scanning functions.
file  WlzGreySetHilbert.c
 Functions for creating objects with integral grey values that are related to their Hilbert indices.
file  WlzGreySetIncValues.c
 Functions for creating objects with integer grey values that increment.
file  WlzGreySetRange.c
 Sets the new grey range for an object using simple linear interpolation.
file  WlzGreySetRangeLut.c
 Transforms the grey-values of a grey-level object using a look-up-table.
file  WlzGreySetValue.c
 Sets the grey values of objects.
file  WlzGreyStats.c
 Calculates simple statistics about an object's grey values.
file  WlzGreyTemplate.c
 Attach a grey table to a template object.
file  WlzGreyTransfer.c
 Transfers grey values from a source to a destination object. The source object grey values are set in the intersection domain between source and destination. Destination domain and the destination values outside of the intersection are unchanged.
file  WlzGreyValue.c
 Provides functions for random access to the grey values of 2D and 3D domain objects.
file  WlzGreyValueMixing_s.c
 Functions to mix the grey values of two woolz object and produce a new object using

o = (1 - x) o_1 + x o_2


file  WlzGreyVariance.c
 Applies variance filters of domain objects with values.
file  WlzHasIntersect.c
 Determines whether two objects have an intersection.
file  WlzHistogram.c
 Functions for computing and transforming Woolz histograms domains.
file  WlzHyThreshold.c
 A hysteresis threshold filter.
file  WlzImageArithmetic.c
 Functions for performing arithmetic on a pair of domain objects with grey values.
file  WlzImageBlend.c
 Functions for blending images.
file  WlzIndexObj.c
 Functions for creating and manipulating objects in which 2 or 3D spatial domains are represented as index grey values within in a single domain object. Such objects are frequently refered to as index objects.
file  WlzInline.h [code]
 Woolz inline functions.
file  WlzInsideDomain.c
 Functions which check whether a given vertex lies within an object's domain.
file  WlzInteriority.c
 Functions to compute an interiority scores.
file  WlzIntersect2.c
 Calculates the intersection between two domain objects.
file  WlzIntersect3d.c
 Intersection (set intersection) routines for domain objects.
file  WlzIntersectN.c
 Intersection of N woolz domain objects.
file  WlzIntervalCount.c
 Counts the number of intervals (or equivalent) in an object's domain.
file  WlzIntervalDomScan.c
 Functions for scanning through an object's interval domain.
file  WlzIntRescaleObj.c
 Rescales a Woolz object using an integral scale.
file  WlzIterate.c
 Functions for iteration through Woolz objects.
file  WlzKrig.c
 Functions for interpolation based on kriging.
file  WlzLabel.c
 Segments a domain object into disconnected regions.
file  WlzLabel3D.c
 3D labeling (segmention).
file  WlzLaplacian.c
 Implements a Laplacian edge enhancement filter.
file  WlzLBTDomain.c
 Functions for creating and manipulating linear binary tree domains.
file  WlzLineArea.c
 Computes the line area of an object.
file  WlzLineSkeleton.c
 Functions to compute the line skeleton of an object's domain.
file  WlzLUT.c
 Look up tables for value transformations.
file  WlzMacro.h [code]
 Woolz C pre-processor directives, eg macros.
file  WlzMakeAffineTransform.c
 Allocation and freeing of affine transforms.
file  WlzMakeCompound.c
 Makes compound objects.
file  WlzMakeIntervalValues.c
 Makes an interval values table.
file  WlzMakeProperties.c
 Allocation and freeing routines of properties.
file  WlzMakeStructs.c
 Functions for allocating woolz structures.
file  WlzMatchICP.c
 Functions to match objects using ICP based registration, providing a set of corresponding points.
file  WlzMeshGen.c
 Functions for 2D and 3D conforming simplical mesh generation. Meshes generated by these functions will conform approximately to an objects boundaries.
file  WlzMeshTransform.c
 Functions for computing mesh transforms.
file  WlzMeshUtils.c
 Utility functions for manipulating Woolz mesh transforms.
file  WlzMwrAngle.c
 Computes the minimum width rectangle from a convex hull. This code has been extensively rewritten for the new convex hull domains, so that only the original interface and algorithm remain.
file  WlzNMSuppress.c
 A non-maximal supression filter, which constructs a new domain object using a Canny-like non-maximal suppression algorithm. The domain is the non-maximally suppressed domain and the values are the encoded gradient direction.
file  WlzNObjGreyStats.c
 Calculates statistics for grey values across the objects of the given compound object.
file  WlzObjToBoundary.c
 Computes a boundary list from a Woolz object.
file  WlzOccupancy.c
 Functions for computing the occupancy of domains.
file  WlzOffsetDist.c
 Functions to compute offset distance objects.
file  WlzPoints.c
 Functions for handling point domains.
file  WlzPolarSample.c
 A rectangular to polar image resampling filter.
file  WlzPolyDecimate.c
 Functions to decimate polyline and boundary domains The functions remove vertices that are parts of straight lines as defined by a maximum distance. The algorithm starts at vertex 1, walks along the line until at least one vertex between the start and current position is more than max-dist from the straight line between vertex 1 and current. All vertices between position 1 and current-1 are removed and position 1 is incremented (to what was current-1). The process is then repeated.
file  WlzPolyEquispace.c
 Builds a new polygon domain with equi-spaced vertices.
file  WlzPolyReverse.c
 Functions to reverse the vertex ordering in a polygon domain.
file  WlzPolySmooth.c
 Smoothing operations for polylines.
file  WlzPolyToObj.c
 Makes a domain object from a polygon.
file  WlzPolyUtils.c
 Functions for manipulating polygon domains.
file  WlzPrinicipalAngle.c
 Calculates the angle which the long principal axis makes with the given object. The functions are based on a combination of methods by Rees and Hibbard. (D.W.A. Rees, Mechanics of Solids and Structures).
file  WlzProfile.c
 Functions for extracting a profile (with or without) grey values along a ray through an object.
file  WlzProj3DToSection.c
 Functions for projecting 3D domains onto sections.
file  WlzRank.c
 Rank filters for woolz objects, these are the generalization of minimum, maximum and median value filters.
file  WlzRaster.c
 Functions to rasterize geometric Woolz objects into 2D or 3D domain objects.
file  WlzReadObj.c
 Reads a Woolz object from a file stream.
file  WlzRegCCor.c
 Functions to register two objects using frequency domain cross correlation.
file  WlzRegConCalc.c
 Computes region connected calculus spatial classifications.
file  WlzRegICP.c
 Functions for the registration of two objects using an implementation of the iterative closest point algorithm. See.
file  WlzRGBAConvert.c
 Conversion routines for RGBA data including conversion to modulus.
file  WlzRGBAGreyStats.c
 Calculates simple quick statistics for a domain object with RGBA values.
file  WlzRGBAImageArithmetic.c
 Performs image arithmetic on RGBA data. Both input files must be RGBA value type.
file  WlzRGBAModGradient.c
 Calculates the modulus of the gradient of a RGBA object. The gradient is defined as the modulus of the "modulus" vector, i.e. the modulus for each colour.
file  WlzRGBAPixelUtils.c
 Utility functions for pixel and RGBA values.
file  WlzRGBARange.c
 Finds the range of values in a RGBA type image.
file  WlzRGBAScalarBinaryOp.c
 Apply a scalar binary operation to an RGBA image.
file  WlzRGBAThreshold.c
 Threshold functions for RGBA objects.
file  WlzRGBChanRatio.c
 Computes log ratio of RGB channels in a RGBA object.
file  WlzRsvFilter.c
 Recursive filters for Woolz, these are also known as Deriche and infinite impulse responce (IIR) filters.
file  WlzSampleObj.c
 Subsamples objects using an integer sampling factor and a convolution kernel.
file  WlzSampleValuesAndCoords.c
 Extracts values and coordinates from a Woolz object with grey values using a sampoling function.
file  WlzScalarArithmeticOp.c
 Functions which apply scalar arithmetic operations to domain objects.
file  WlzScalarBinaryOp.c
 Applies scalar binary operators to objects.
file  WlzScalarFeatures.c
 Functions for extracting scalar features from objects.
file  WlzScalarFn.c
 Code to apply scalar functions to scalar image values in Woolz objects.
file  WlzSepFilter.c
 A 2/3D implementation of seperable spatial kernel based convolution functions.
file  WlzSepTrans.c
 Execute a separable transform on a 2D domain object.
file  WlzSeqPar.c
 Performs sequential or local transformation of an object. Jim Piper derived the original seqpar.c from Fortran code by Marshall Presser.
file  WlzShadeCorrect.c
 Shade correction.
file  WlzShift.c
 Functions for shifting (applying efficient integer translations) to objects, domains and values.
file  WlzSkeleton.c
 Performs a proper interval-domain skeletonisation Hilditch's method.
file  WlzSnapFit.c
 Functions to compute correspondences between a pair of objects using closest points.
file  WlzSobel.c
 Implements a Sobel edge detection filter.
file  WlzSplitObj.c
 Functions to split a single object into component objects.
file  WlzStdStructElements.c
 Standard structuring elements in 2D and 3D.
file  WlzStringTypes.c
 Functions for converting between Woolz data types and string representations (names) of the types.
file  WlzStringUtils.c
 Miscellaneous string handling functions.
file  WlzStructDilation.c
 Performs dilation using a structuring element.
file  WlzStructErosion.c
 Performs erosion using a structuring element.
file  WlzTensor.c
 Functions which derive and manipulate tensor quantities.
file  WlzThinToPoints.c
 Functions for extracting point locations by thinnning.
file  WlzThreshold.c
 Thresholds 2D or 3D domain objects with values.
file  WlzTiledValues.c
 Functions construct and convert tiled objects.
file  WlzTransform.c
 Functions operating on Woolz transform unions.
file  WlzTransposeObj.c
 Transposes objects (ie interchanges row and column coordinates).
file  WlzType.h [code]
 Defines the Woolz types. These are enumerations and structures which have been typedef'd.
file  WlzUnion2.c
 Convenience function to calculate the union of two domain objects.
file  WlzUnion3d.c
 Computes the set union of 3D objects.
file  WlzUnionN.c
 Computes the set union of N objects.
file  WlzValuesFromCoords.c
 Creates a new object with the values set to the coordinate values.
file  WlzValueTableUtils.c
 Functions for computing value amd value table types.
file  WlzValueUtils.c
 Many small functions for setting, copying and converting values.
file  WlzVerifyObj.c
 Functions for verifying and fixing objects.
file  WlzVersion.c
 Simple Woolz versioning.
file  WlzVerticies.c
 Functions for extracting vertices from objects represented by vertices, eg polylines, boundlists and contours.
file  WlzVolume.c
 Computes the volume of domain objects.
file  WlzWindow.c
 Weights the grey values of domain objects according to their spatial distribution using a weighting function.
file  WlzWriteObj.c
 Functions for writing Woolz objects.
file  WlzXOR.c
 Functions for computing the set exclusive or of objects.