Woolz Image Processing
Version 1.8.3
Files | |
file | Wlz.h [code] |
Main (top-level) Woolz header file which includes all other header files required by Woolz. | |
file | Wlz2DContains.c |
Takes a WLZ_2D_DOMAINOBJ, calls WlzLabel to split the domain and returns the one containing point(x,y). | |
file | Wlz3DProjection.c |
Generates the projection or back-projection of a domain object from 3D to 2D and visa versa. | |
file | Wlz3DSection.c |
Functions for cutting 2D sections from 3D objects. | |
file | Wlz3DSectionFromGeoModel.c |
Functions to cut a 2D geometric model from a 3D geometric model. | |
file | Wlz3DSectionSegmentObject.c |
Segments a 3D object into 2 parts determined by the input section plane. The parts are the domains on either side of the plane. | |
file | Wlz3DSubSection.c |
Return a sub-region of a 3D section via a 3D section transform. | |
file | Wlz3DViewStructUtils.c |
Utility functions associated with 3D views. | |
file | Wlz3DViewTransformObj.c |
View transformation functions. | |
file | Wlz3DWarpMQ_S.c |
Generates a regular tetrahedral mesh for a 3D domain. | |
file | WlzAffineTransform.c |
Functions for computing affine transforms and applying them to objects. | |
file | WlzAffineTransformLSq.c |
Functions for computing Woolz affine transforms that give the best fit, in a least squares sense, when used to transform one set of vertices to another. | |
file | WlzArea.c |
Computes the area of an object. | |
file | WlzArray.c |
Functions for converting between domain objects and arrays. | |
file | WlzAssign.c |
Woolz objects domains and values maintain a linkcount, which records it's usage by other objects, domains or values. To increment a linkcount the appropriate assignment function should be used. | |
file | WlzAutoCor.c |
Functions to compute the autocorrelation of an object. | |
file | WlzBackground.c |
Functions to get and set the background value of objects. | |
file | WlzBasisFn.c |
Functions for creating and manipulating basis functions. | |
file | WlzBasisFnTransform.c |
Functions for computing and applying basis function transforms. | |
file | WlzBoundaryUtils.c |
Simple functions that operate on boundary lists. | |
file | WlzBoundingBox.c |
Functions for computing the axis aligned bounding box of objects. | |
file | WlzBoundToObj.c |
Functions to convert a boundary object or domain to a domain object. | |
file | WlzBSpline.c |
Functions to create and compute B-spline domain objects. | |
file | WlzBuildObj.c |
Functions to allow spatial domain objects with values to be built incrementally. | |
file | WlzCannyDeriche.c |
A Canny-Deriche edge detection filter. | |
file | WlzCbThreshold.c |
Threshold an object using a callback function to determine if the pixel value satifies the threshold criteria. | |
file | WlzCCor.c |
Computes the cross correlation of two objects. | |
file | WlzCentrality.c |
Functions for computing the centrality of a feature domain with respect to a boundary domain. See WlzCentrality(). | |
file | WlzCentreOfMass.c |
Computes the centre of mass of objects. | |
file | WlzClipObjToBox.c |
Functions for clipping the domain of either 2D or 3D domain objects so that they lie within the given axis aligned biunding box. | |
file | WlzCMeshCurvature.c |
Functions to compute curvatures on conforming simplical meshes. | |
file | WlzCMeshDispField.c |
Functions transferring displacements between meshes and displacement fields. | |
file | WlzCMeshExtrapolate.c |
Functions to extrapolate values within conforming meshes. | |
file | WlzCMeshFMar.c |
Fast marching methods within conforming meshes. | |
file | WlzCMeshIntersect.c |
Functions for computing the intersection with conforming meshes. | |
file | WlzCMeshScan.c |
Iterators for scanning through CMesh based objects and domains. | |
file | WlzCMeshSMReg.c |
file | WlzCMeshSurfMap.c |
Functions for computing surface mappings that are based on conformal transformations and other mappings between surfaces and planes. | |
file | WlzCMeshTransform.c |
Functions for creating and applying 2D and 3D conforming mesh transforms. | |
file | WlzCMeshUtils.c |
Utility functions for 2D and 3D graph based conforming simplical meshes. | |
file | WlzCMeshValueTransfer.c |
Functions for transfering values from one mesh to another. | |
file | WlzCompDispIncGrey.c |
Functions to compute vector displacement maps from two warps of domain objects which originate from a common object with incrementing integer grey values. | |
file | WlzCompoundArrayToScalar.c |
Functions to convert vector values held in a compound array to scalar values in a domain object. | |
file | WlzCompThresh.c |
Functions for computing a threshold value from a histogram object. | |
file | WlzConComThreshold.c |
Functions to perform connected component thresholding. | |
file | WlzConstruct3D.c |
Functions to construct 3D domain objects from 2D domain objects. | |
file | WlzContour.c |
Functions for extracting contours from objects. | |
file | WlzConvertPix.c |
Conversion of values. | |
file | WlzConvexHull.c |
Functions for computing the convex hull of objects. | |
file | WlzConvexHull3D.c |
Functions for computing 3D convex hull domains. | |
file | WlzConvexHullClarkson.c |
Functions to compute convex hulls using the Clarkson's algorithm. | |
file | WlzConvolve.c |
Functions for convolving the values of domain objects. | |
file | WlzCopy.c |
Functions to make 'deep' copies of objects. | |
file | WlzCutObjToBox.c |
Functions for creating new domain objects with rectangular value tables. | |
file | WlzDebug.c |
Default debugging text and object output functions for the Woolz library flag based debugging system. | |
file | WlzDebug.h [code] |
Defines the Woolz debug masks and function prototypes. | |
file | WlzDiffDomain.c |
Functions for computing the domain difference between objects. | |
file | WlzDiffDomain3d.c |
Functions for computing the domain difference between 3D objects. | |
file | WlzDilation.c |
Functions for dilating objects with spatial domains. | |
file | WlzDistAllNearest.c |
Functions to compute nearest points in a reference domain at all points in a foreground domain. | |
file | WlzDistMetric.c |
Functions to compute the Hausdorff distance, mean nearest neighbour and the median nearest neighbour distances between two datasets. | |
file | WlzDistTransform.c |
Distance transform functions which calculate the distance of every pixel/voxel in a foreground object from a reference object. | |
file | WlzDomainFill.c |
Functions to fill holes in domain objects. | |
file | WlzDomainFill3D.c |
Functions to fill holes in 3D voxel domain objects. | |
file | WlzDomainNearby.c |
Functions for computing the portion of a domain which is nearby (all pixels/voxels less than a given distance from) given locations. | |
file | WlzDomainUtils.c |
Utility functions for domains. | |
file | WlzDrawDomain.c |
Functions for composing a domain from simple drawing commands. | |
file | WlzEmpty.c |
Convenience functions to check empty status of objects. | |
file | WlzErosion.c |
Morphological erosion of domain objects. | |
file | WlzErosion4.c |
Performs 4-connected erosion on domain objects. | |
file | WlzError.c |
Error related functions for the Woolz library. | |
file | WlzError.h [code] |
Definitions of Woolz error codes. | |
file | WlzExplode3D.c |
Explodes a 3D domain object into 2D domain objects. | |
file | WlzFacts.c |
Text description (facts) of Woolz objects. | |
file | WlzFillBlankPlanes.c |
Fills blank planes of a 3D object. Originally this was used by MAPaint to allow painting of intermediate planes. | |
file | WlzFilterNObjValues.c |
Computes a domain object in which the values are the filtered values of the input objects at the same positions. | |
file | WlzFitPlane.c |
Functions for computing best fit planes. | |
file | WlzFourier.c |
Functions for computing Fourier transforms and their inverse. | |
file | WlzFreeSpace.c |
Functions for freeing objects and their components. | |
file | WlzGauss.c |
Gaussian filter fo 2D objects with values. Uses WlzSepTrans() and for colour images can only do smoothing correctly (i.e. derivative zero). | |
file | WlzGaussNoise.c |
Functions for making Gaussian noise filled objects. | |
file | WlzGeometry.c |
Geometric utility functions. | |
file | WlzGeometryTrackUpAndDown_s.c |
Tracks contours forming surface patches. | |
file | WlzGeoModel.c |
Basic operators for manipulating Woolz geometric models. These can be either planar graphs or 3D surfaces, with the surfaces being either manifold or non-manifold. | |
file | WlzGeoModelCellGridWSp.c |
Functions to create and free geometric models cell grid work spaces. | |
file | WlzGeoModelCut.c |
Functions to cut geometric models (GM's). | |
file | WlzGeoModelFilters.c |
Filters for geometric models (GM's). | |
file | WlzGeoModelStats.c |
Functions to compute statistics about geometric models. | |
file | WlzGreyCrossing.c |
Computes a domain object with grey values in which the values encode the direction at each pixel of a grey value transition. If the given grey value is zero then this is the zero crossing direction. | |
file | WlzGreyDitherObj.c |
Makes a dithered object from the given grey-level object. | |
file | WlzGreyExtremum.c |
Finds the location of extremum values within an object. | |
file | WlzGreyGradient.c |
Computes objects in which the grey values are the gradient of the gray values in the original image. | |
file | WlzGreyInvertMinMax.c |
Grey value inversion. | |
file | WlzGreyMask.c |
Functions to set the value within the domain of a object. | |
file | WlzGreyModGradient.c |
Functions to calculate the modulus of the grey-level gradient of Woolz objects. | |
file | WlzGreyNormalise.c |
Normalises the grey-values of an object to the range [0 - 255]. Colour images have each channel independently normalised. For proportional normalisation of colour use WlzGreySetRange directly. To determine the modulus range use WlzRGBAModulusRange(). | |
file | WlzGreyRange.c |
Computes the grey range of an object. Note that the colour range returned is the independent max and min values for each channel. | |
file | WlzGreyScan.c |
Object grey value scanning functions. | |
file | WlzGreySetHilbert.c |
Functions for creating objects with integral grey values that are related to their Hilbert indices. | |
file | WlzGreySetIncValues.c |
Functions for creating objects with integer grey values that increment. | |
file | WlzGreySetRange.c |
Sets the new grey range for an object using simple linear interpolation. | |
file | WlzGreySetRangeLut.c |
Transforms the grey-values of a grey-level object using a look-up-table. | |
file | WlzGreySetValue.c |
Sets the grey values of objects. | |
file | WlzGreyStats.c |
Calculates simple statistics about an object's grey values. | |
file | WlzGreyTemplate.c |
Attach a grey table to a template object. | |
file | WlzGreyTransfer.c |
Transfers grey values from a source to a destination object. The source object grey values are set in the intersection domain between source and destination. Destination domain and the destination values outside of the intersection are unchanged. | |
file | WlzGreyValue.c |
Provides functions for random access to the grey values of 2D and 3D domain objects. | |
file | WlzGreyValueMixing_s.c |
Functions to mix the grey values of two woolz object and produce a new object using o = (1 - x) o_1 + x o_2 . | |
file | WlzGreyVariance.c |
Applies variance filters of domain objects with values. | |
file | WlzHasIntersect.c |
Determines whether two objects have an intersection. | |
file | WlzHistogram.c |
Functions for computing and transforming Woolz histograms domains. | |
file | WlzHyThreshold.c |
A hysteresis threshold filter. | |
file | WlzImageArithmetic.c |
Functions for performing arithmetic on a pair of domain objects with grey values. | |
file | WlzImageBlend.c |
Functions for blending images. | |
file | WlzIndexObj.c |
Functions for creating and manipulating objects in which 2 or 3D spatial domains are represented as index grey values within in a single domain object. Such objects are frequently refered to as index objects. | |
file | WlzInline.h [code] |
Woolz inline functions. | |
file | WlzInsideDomain.c |
Functions which check whether a given vertex lies within an object's domain. | |
file | WlzInteriority.c |
Functions to compute an interiority scores. | |
file | WlzIntersect2.c |
Calculates the intersection between two domain objects. | |
file | WlzIntersect3d.c |
Intersection (set intersection) routines for domain objects. | |
file | WlzIntersectN.c |
Intersection of N woolz domain objects. | |
file | WlzIntervalCount.c |
Counts the number of intervals (or equivalent) in an object's domain. | |
file | WlzIntervalDomScan.c |
Functions for scanning through an object's interval domain. | |
file | WlzIntRescaleObj.c |
Rescales a Woolz object using an integral scale. | |
file | WlzIterate.c |
Functions for iteration through Woolz objects. | |
file | WlzKrig.c |
Functions for interpolation based on kriging. | |
file | WlzLabel.c |
Segments a domain object into disconnected regions. | |
file | WlzLabel3D.c |
3D labeling (segmention). | |
file | WlzLaplacian.c |
Implements a Laplacian edge enhancement filter. | |
file | WlzLBTDomain.c |
Functions for creating and manipulating linear binary tree domains. | |
file | WlzLineArea.c |
Computes the line area of an object. | |
file | WlzLineSkeleton.c |
Functions to compute the line skeleton of an object's domain. | |
file | WlzLUT.c |
Look up tables for value transformations. | |
file | WlzMacro.h [code] |
Woolz C pre-processor directives, eg macros. | |
file | WlzMakeAffineTransform.c |
Allocation and freeing of affine transforms. | |
file | WlzMakeCompound.c |
Makes compound objects. | |
file | WlzMakeIntervalValues.c |
Makes an interval values table. | |
file | WlzMakeProperties.c |
Allocation and freeing routines of properties. | |
file | WlzMakeStructs.c |
Functions for allocating woolz structures. | |
file | WlzMatchICP.c |
Functions to match objects using ICP based registration, providing a set of corresponding points. | |
file | WlzMeshGen.c |
Functions for 2D and 3D conforming simplical mesh generation. Meshes generated by these functions will conform approximately to an objects boundaries. | |
file | WlzMeshTransform.c |
Functions for computing mesh transforms. | |
file | WlzMeshUtils.c |
Utility functions for manipulating Woolz mesh transforms. | |
file | WlzMwrAngle.c |
Computes the minimum width rectangle from a convex hull. This code has been extensively rewritten for the new convex hull domains, so that only the original interface and algorithm remain. | |
file | WlzNMSuppress.c |
A non-maximal supression filter, which constructs a new domain object using a Canny-like non-maximal suppression algorithm. The domain is the non-maximally suppressed domain and the values are the encoded gradient direction. | |
file | WlzNObjGreyStats.c |
Calculates statistics for grey values across the objects of the given compound object. | |
file | WlzObjToBoundary.c |
Computes a boundary list from a Woolz object. | |
file | WlzOccupancy.c |
Functions for computing the occupancy of domains. | |
file | WlzOffsetDist.c |
Functions to compute offset distance objects. | |
file | WlzPoints.c |
Functions for handling point domains. | |
file | WlzPolarSample.c |
A rectangular to polar image resampling filter. | |
file | WlzPolyDecimate.c |
Functions to decimate polyline and boundary domains The functions remove vertices that are parts of straight lines as defined by a maximum distance. The algorithm starts at vertex 1, walks along the line until at least one vertex between the start and current position is more than max-dist from the straight line between vertex 1 and current. All vertices between position 1 and current-1 are removed and position 1 is incremented (to what was current-1). The process is then repeated. | |
file | WlzPolyEquispace.c |
Builds a new polygon domain with equi-spaced vertices. | |
file | WlzPolyReverse.c |
Functions to reverse the vertex ordering in a polygon domain. | |
file | WlzPolySmooth.c |
Smoothing operations for polylines. | |
file | WlzPolyToObj.c |
Makes a domain object from a polygon. | |
file | WlzPolyUtils.c |
Functions for manipulating polygon domains. | |
file | WlzPrinicipalAngle.c |
Calculates the angle which the long principal axis makes with the given object. The functions are based on a combination of methods by Rees and Hibbard. (D.W.A. Rees, Mechanics of Solids and Structures). | |
file | WlzProfile.c |
Functions for extracting a profile (with or without) grey values along a ray through an object. | |
file | WlzProj3DToSection.c |
Functions for projecting 3D domains onto sections. | |
file | WlzRank.c |
Rank filters for woolz objects, these are the generalization of minimum, maximum and median value filters. | |
file | WlzRaster.c |
Functions to rasterize geometric Woolz objects into 2D or 3D domain objects. | |
file | WlzReadObj.c |
Reads a Woolz object from a file stream. | |
file | WlzRegCCor.c |
Functions to register two objects using frequency domain cross correlation. | |
file | WlzRegConCalc.c |
Computes region connected calculus spatial classifications. | |
file | WlzRegICP.c |
Functions for the registration of two objects using an implementation of the iterative closest point algorithm. See. | |
file | WlzRGBAConvert.c |
Conversion routines for RGBA data including conversion to modulus. | |
file | WlzRGBAGreyStats.c |
Calculates simple quick statistics for a domain object with RGBA values. | |
file | WlzRGBAImageArithmetic.c |
Performs image arithmetic on RGBA data. Both input files must be RGBA value type. | |
file | WlzRGBAModGradient.c |
Calculates the modulus of the gradient of a RGBA object. The gradient is defined as the modulus of the "modulus" vector, i.e. the modulus for each colour. | |
file | WlzRGBAPixelUtils.c |
Utility functions for pixel and RGBA values. | |
file | WlzRGBARange.c |
Finds the range of values in a RGBA type image. | |
file | WlzRGBAScalarBinaryOp.c |
Apply a scalar binary operation to an RGBA image. | |
file | WlzRGBAThreshold.c |
Threshold functions for RGBA objects. | |
file | WlzRGBChanRatio.c |
Computes log ratio of RGB channels in a RGBA object. | |
file | WlzRsvFilter.c |
Recursive filters for Woolz, these are also known as Deriche and infinite impulse responce (IIR) filters. | |
file | WlzSampleObj.c |
Subsamples objects using an integer sampling factor and a convolution kernel. | |
file | WlzSampleValuesAndCoords.c |
Extracts values and coordinates from a Woolz object with grey values using a sampoling function. | |
file | WlzScalarArithmeticOp.c |
Functions which apply scalar arithmetic operations to domain objects. | |
file | WlzScalarBinaryOp.c |
Applies scalar binary operators to objects. | |
file | WlzScalarFeatures.c |
Functions for extracting scalar features from objects. | |
file | WlzScalarFn.c |
Code to apply scalar functions to scalar image values in Woolz objects. | |
file | WlzSepFilter.c |
A 2/3D implementation of seperable spatial kernel based convolution functions. | |
file | WlzSepTrans.c |
Execute a separable transform on a 2D domain object. | |
file | WlzSeqPar.c |
Performs sequential or local transformation of an object. Jim Piper derived the original seqpar.c from Fortran code by Marshall Presser. | |
file | WlzShadeCorrect.c |
Shade correction. | |
file | WlzShift.c |
Functions for shifting (applying efficient integer translations) to objects, domains and values. | |
file | WlzSkeleton.c |
Performs a proper interval-domain skeletonisation Hilditch's method. | |
file | WlzSnapFit.c |
Functions to compute correspondences between a pair of objects using closest points. | |
file | WlzSobel.c |
Implements a Sobel edge detection filter. | |
file | WlzSplitObj.c |
Functions to split a single object into component objects. | |
file | WlzStdStructElements.c |
Standard structuring elements in 2D and 3D. | |
file | WlzStringTypes.c |
Functions for converting between Woolz data types and string representations (names) of the types. | |
file | WlzStringUtils.c |
Miscellaneous string handling functions. | |
file | WlzStructDilation.c |
Performs dilation using a structuring element. | |
file | WlzStructErosion.c |
Performs erosion using a structuring element. | |
file | WlzTensor.c |
Functions which derive and manipulate tensor quantities. | |
file | WlzThinToPoints.c |
Functions for extracting point locations by thinnning. | |
file | WlzThreshold.c |
Thresholds 2D or 3D domain objects with values. | |
file | WlzTiledValues.c |
Functions construct and convert tiled objects. | |
file | WlzTransform.c |
Functions operating on Woolz transform unions. | |
file | WlzTransposeObj.c |
Transposes objects (ie interchanges row and column coordinates). | |
file | WlzType.h [code] |
Defines the Woolz types. These are enumerations and structures which have been typedef'd. | |
file | WlzUnion2.c |
Convenience function to calculate the union of two domain objects. | |
file | WlzUnion3d.c |
Computes the set union of 3D objects. | |
file | WlzUnionN.c |
Computes the set union of N objects. | |
file | WlzValuesFromCoords.c |
Creates a new object with the values set to the coordinate values. | |
file | WlzValueTableUtils.c |
Functions for computing value amd value table types. | |
file | WlzValueUtils.c |
Many small functions for setting, copying and converting values. | |
file | WlzVerifyObj.c |
Functions for verifying and fixing objects. | |
file | WlzVersion.c |
Simple Woolz versioning. | |
file | WlzVerticies.c |
Functions for extracting vertices from objects represented by vertices, eg polylines, boundlists and contours. | |
file | WlzVolume.c |
Computes the volume of domain objects. | |
file | WlzWindow.c |
Weights the grey values of domain objects according to their spatial distribution using a weighting function. | |
file | WlzWriteObj.c |
Functions for writing Woolz objects. | |
file | WlzXOR.c |
Functions for computing the set exclusive or of objects. | |